I have to do something

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She followed everywhere he went. It was making him feel frustrated at her behaviour.

Why can't she understand a simple thing of giving him his own space to do things alone.

The only two place she never entered was his home and whenever he uses the restroom!

Apart from that whenever he leaves for work, she will be there like his BODYGUARD!

Pragya was enjoying this period of following him.

She knows how irritated he feels. But she doesn't have a choice to win back his love again.

There had been many ups and downs in their lives so far.

Now she wants everything to have a smooth flow of events.

A smooth of flow events with sweet memories.

A particular day, Abhi stayed at home to avoid her following him!

Abhi went to take his shower. He went to have a long warm bath in his bathtub. He want to relax his mind and forget about everything happening around him.

Pragya silently peeked inside his room. She knew he was in the bathroom looking at his clothes arranged on the bed.

Just then she received a call. It wasn't a call to her. It was his phone vibrating.

She picked up the call and said  "Haan ji! I am his wife speaking. Please tell me the matter and I will convey it to him as he is now taking a shower."

Abhi comes back from his shower and is shocked to see Pragya in his room.

Pragya "Looking hot and sexy!" Abhi runs back to his closet while Pragya says "If you are too shy then how will things happen after marriage?"

Abhi from inside "Nothing is going to happen. First get out of my room before Ma or Dadi enters."

Pragya "There's no one at home. Don't you know they all had left for your cousin's wedding?"

Abhi "Oh shit!" Pragya "Chee! What's this here?"

Pragya shrieked of seeing something unexpected.

Abhi quickly changes to his t-shirt and pants. He now mumbles how dare she enters his room as per her wish!

Abhi comes out and stares at her.

Pragya "You are having condoms? Does it mean......" she asks by holding onto it.

Abhi "Put it back where u took it from. It's none of your business of what I do with it."

He said it with a cold behaviour towards her.

Pragya felt worried. Was he having relation with anyone? How's that possible when he loves her!

Lots of questions started to run on her mind as she kept it from the place she took from.

Abhi "Now leave from here. I don't have time to entertain you."

Pragya "You won't tell me why is it here?" She asked in a low tone looking at the direction of it.

Abhi "No! No means No!"

He said and gives a glare towards him.

Pragya looks down in sadness. She then says "I know it's for us....."

Abhi shrieked "Chee!!!!"

Pragya smiles seductively. Abhi widen his eyes in shock at her thought.

Pragya seductively, "I don't mind it. After all desires are uncontrollable."

Abhi "Stop talking like this! It was accidentally in my bag. You know our export business. Now the latest product we are exporting is this damn thing! I guess during stock check or somewhere else it might have dropped inside my bag as I always leave my bag open after taking things out."

Pragya felt relived hearing it. She didn't mean what she said too. It was too early to do all that.

She still wants him to feel her love and she also want to feel his love. She want to hug him, cuddle him and kiss him with him also enjoying the same way as her. After marriage, the next level can be thought of.

She smiles teasingly and said "I know my Abhalien will never be like this. He is different but not so different until he will do all that."

Abhi in response gives an annoyed look.

Pragya walks towards him and he walks backwards asking her to stop.

She didn't stop and he walk backwards until he hit against the wall.

Pragya chuckles and said "Does it hurt?"

Abhi never said anything. He tries to move away when she hugs him saying "You are my cute Abhalien!"

Abhi tries to break her hug but she was very firm in her hug.

She tickles him by pinching his waist.

Abhi irked "This is too much Pragya!"

Pragya lovingly touches his face.

Abhi was now shivering in her touch. He can't act to be not affected when she touches him.

This was his weak point.

When she touches his lip, he closes his eyes and is too scared to look at her.

Pragya blushes seeing how affected he looks by her touches.

Pragya "For now this cheeky kiss will do." She said and kissed on his cheek.

Abhi gasped in shock and was about to say something when she warned "If you tell anything nonsensical then lippy kiss will happen! Do you want that?"

Abhi screamed like a scared kid as NO!!

Pragya "Ssssh!" Abhi silenced himself and then pleads "Please go away."

Pragya holding his t-shirt "I won't go away my dear Abhalien!"

Abhi "At least let me go. I have works to do....."

Pragya "Hmm.....let's do this way. Let's go away together to finish your work!"

Abhi rolls his eyes in irritation.

He doesn't have a choice now and he nods his head as yes.

Pragya smirked and let's him go by moving away and then follows him again.

"I have to do something to make her stop following me!!!" He thought to himself.

Sneek peek to next part,
"Hug him! He is your friend right?" She says as he looks back at her in shock.

Abhi "Do you really think I will hug him?"

Pragya touches her outline of lips and looks at him teasingly.

Abhi "You have guts to do that here? Don't try to threaten me in a public place!"

Pragya walks towards him and Abhi can't believe she really means her actions.

Abhi "Fine!!! I will hug him!" She stops walking ahead and smiles warmly.

Who is he that Abhi have to hug? Will Abhi comes up with a plan to make her not follow him? What will happen next?
Thank you for all the support again. Hope u all like this one.

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