Flashback continues

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After a few days of meeting the girl,

Abhi was behaving differently.

At Abhi's room,

Bulbul "This is not right Bhai. I don't like this happening to you."

Abhi spraying the perfume near his neck wonders what she was referring to.

Bulbul "Don't give that look of not knowing anything. How dare you change your relaxing spot to near my dance school!"

Abhi "Oh....."

Bulbul "Haan! I don't like you and your friends relaxing there for no reason!"

Abhi fumes "For relaxing you need a reason? Relaxing itself is the reason yaar! And by the way, so what if our relaxing spot is near your dance school?"

Bulbul "I know why you are there! You want to see that girl right?"

Abhi shrieked "No! Not at all!" He said by moving away.

Bulbul "Don't lie Bhai. I have been noticing how you have changed after seeing her. Firstly, you have been dressing up in formals. Secondly, you are grooming yourself like a girl doing make up. Most importantly, you are influencing your friends to change as well so that you give a good impression to her so that even your friends look good and decent!"

Abhi "They are not influenced by me. They are like that."

Bulbul "Acha.....then why did Vinod complain to me that your Bhai is making us looking like sales representatives?"

Abhi "He said like that? I will talk to him! He always complain about everything. Just like you!"

Bulbul "I am saying this for final time! Change your relaxing spot now. It's so embarrassing seeing you there when all my classmates know that you are my Bhai."

Abhi "Who asked you tell them in the first place? But I'm sorry dear, I can't change as this spot is more convenient for us and very near to our college too."

Bulbul "Alright at least don't be there when I have my dance class."

Abhi thinks for a while and agrees to her decision of not being there when she have dance classes.

Bulbul thanked him and left his room feeling relieved.

Later that day,

Bulbul was walking towards her dance school and saw Abhi and his friends giggling away.

Bulbul stared at them and Abhi asked "What are you looking at? Never see handsome guys before ah?"

Bulbul "Bhai!! Come here!!" She literally screamed at his direction. 

Abhi "Your class is going to start in 10 mins time. You have to go now Bulbul!"

Bulbul "What's all this? How patiently I explained to you in the morning and now you are back here again!"

Abhi "Haan but......"

Bulbul "You don't respect me right?"

Abhi "How can you say like that Bulbul? I did obey your words na...."

Bulbul "By coming like this ah?"

Abhi "Don't you remember of what you said?"

Bulbul frowns at him and looks away in anger.

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