Another day with their bonding

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Abhi's POV:

Why was this happening to me? I am trying Every time to be away from her?

But circumstances make me closer to her. This is not right.

I am worried for her! Why can't she understand my worry and treat me as a friend?

It would have been better that way. Why does she have to consider my care as love? Did I behave in that way?

But now everything had gone out of my hands. I have agreed to marry her and I have no choice but have to act for sometime before showing her that I don't deserve her!

Yes this would be best solution to solve all issues.

End of Abhi's POV

His mother entered his room.

His mother "I didn't expect you will agree to marry her. I can't understand what effect she had on you."

Abhi "Ma....there was no effect or anything she did on me. There are more mistakes from my side. This is the right solution to rectify my mistakes."

His mother looks tensed. Abhi feeling it said "And you don't have to worry about me. I am a grown up adult who knows whether my decisions are right or wrong."

His mother smiled reluctantly and asked "When are they coming home?"

Abhi "Soon....She texted me that they are on the way."

His mother said ok and left his room.

About 30 mins later,

Pragya and her family reached his house.

She was glowing in happiness. Sarla ma asked her to get blessings from the elders in Abhi's family.

Abhi smiles as she smiles at him before getting blessings from his family members.

Dadi "Abhi, you bring her around our house. The only place she knows is your room but now she needs to know the other places over here too."

Abhi "Dadi....Why now?" Dadi teased "After marriage, there will be only time for her to spend at your room na...."

Everyone chuckled to her words and Abhi felt embarrassed. Pragya's face turned red and looked at Abhi with shyness.

Abhi "Come Pragya, let's go...." Pragya followed him and he was silent all the way until they reached a particular room.

Abhi "This is Dadi's room, it's right beside my room."

Pragya "You mean beside OUR room?"

Abhi nods his head as yes.

Pragya "How about Aunty's room?"

Abhi "The one at the corner is where my parents are. Papa is busy so he rarely stays at home."

Pragya "I can see that. I still haven't seen him yet."

Abhi "He will be coming soon as my marriage is fixed."

Pragya smiles and follows Abhi.

Abhi "This is my room too....More for work related."

Pragya "Oh I see....Can we go inside?"

Abhi "Not now Pragya, it's messy and it's been a long time I tidy the things there. You can go after our marriage."

Pragya "Alright...." She says with a pleasant face.

Abhi "Let's go down. I will show you the prayer's room and then rest of the places."

Pragya "No...." Abhi "No??"

Pragya "I want to talk to you for a while."

Abhi "Okay talk now...." Pragya "Not here, let's go to your room. Please...."

Abhi "Anything important Pragya?"

Pragya nods her head as yes.

Abhi said ok looking serious and both entered the room.

Pragya locked the door which was shocking to Abhi.

Pragya "I'm sorry, I know you are not interested in this marriage. I know something is happening to me that makes Every one around me worried and this marriage is also happening because of that."

She says looking tensed and worried.

Abhi "Nothing like that Pragya. The fault is mine. I had played with your emotions and I am agreeing for this marriage to make you feel better."

Pragya "But you are not feeling better right?"

Abhi "No Pragya, I am ok with this marriage. It's not a complicated thing to get worried for. You don't confuse yourself now."

Pragya nods her head lightly and looks at him.

Abhi "I got something for you...."
He walks towards his side table and opened the drawer. He takes something out from there.

Abhi "A small gift for you...." He gives her and she takes it happily.

Pragya "Can I open it?" Abhi "Sure!"

Pragya opened and finds a beautiful pair of earrings.

Abhi "Hope you like it." Pragya "I love it...." She says pleasantly.

Abhi smiles and asks her to wear the next time.

Pragya "Why next time? I will wear it now itself."

Pragya walks towards the mirror.
She removes her earrings and tries to wear the one that he had bought for her.

Abhi smiles at her excitement of wearing the one he bought for her

Pragya "How is it looking?" She asked by raising her eyebrows.

Abhi "Beautiful. Now the earrings look more beautiful....."

Pragya blushes and says "I have to show you something."

Abhi asked "What is that?"

Pragya walks towards him and takes her dupatta away.

Abhi startled when Pragya uses the dupatta to tie around his eyes.

Abhi "What are you doing Pragya??" He asked in a shivering tone.

Pragya whispered in his ears "Wait Abhalien....."

Abhi frowns hearing that name.

Pragya chuckles seeing how annoyed he was with that name.

Pragya "Just hold my hand and follow me."

Abhi "Pragya....." He said in a confused tone.

Pragya "Trust me, I won't do anything naughty or scary."

Abhi relaxed a bit but was still wondering what was she up to.

Sneek peek to next part,
Pragya's surprise made Abhi emotional. Pragya sat down in shock when Abhi kissed her now!

Thank you so much for all the support, encouragement. It's really overwhelming to see how involved are you all towards this story. Thank you once again! 🙏🙏

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