Boris x Reader

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This kinda takes place in where its like Christmas so yah.

No One POV
"Briar! Briar! Wake up! Its Christmas!" The little girl said, in an attempt to wake up the so called 'Sleeping Beauty'

"Indi, please, let me sleep" The supposedly Briar, replied while letting out a small groan. "You always say that.." 'Indi' mumbled to herself as she went on to a different bedroom.

"Olivia! Olive! Olivia! Wake up!" Indi whisper-shout, to the sleeping figure. "Five..... more..... years...." she mumbled out.

Indi growled a little and went to her favorite sibling, Red. Surely he will wake up right?

"RED! ITS CHRISTMAS!!" She yelled which made him jump out of bed. "Yes! Fun in the snow! " He replied in a cheery tone. "EXACTLY!!"

They went out and realized, no one else was awake, other than Indi and Red. They looked at each other and smirked evilly. They went into their bedrooms and went out, Red had cymbals, while Indi had... pots and pans? Why does she have that in her room?

They both mouthed "1... 2......"

"I AIN'T GOT NO SLEEP CAUSE OF Y'ALL! Y'ALL AIN'T GOT NO SLEEP CAUSE OF ME!!!" They both yelled out,having screaming as replies. They laughed maniacally at their victory.

"What's that noise?!" Dad said, not completely amused. "Honey, its okay, Sapphire, go check on your brother and sisters" Another voice was heard, a female one. Must've been mom.

Footsteps were heard. "Indi!! Red!" Yells were heard from each of the bedroom doors. Just as Sapphire reached the upstairs, Indi and Red giggled as they both slid down the railings and was already downstairs. Sapphire sighed and went to her siblings to call them down for breakfast.

<~(Y/N) 's POV~>
Oh those kids causing mischief again "Hi mom! Hi dad! Merry Christmas!!" Indi and Red said being their cheerful selves as always. "Good morning children" I said as they quickly went to the kitchen, drawn to the smell of freshly baked cookies.

I chuckled as more went down. First was Briar, my eldest child, she was a human like me, but she had ink wolf ears and a tail, she was 16, she always has her nose stuck on her phone. She rubbed her eyes as she went down the stairs. "Morning mom" she said sleepily before letting a yawn escape her lips. "Good morning Briar" I replied with a smile.

Next was Olivia. My second eldest child, she is a wolf with human ears and has no tail..... no I'm just kidding, she is a full on ink wolf like Boris, she was 13. She is more of a bookworm. Unlike Briar, she had her head stuck in a book. She let out a yawn as she was walking down the stairs, already reading. "Good morning Olive, and please, don't read while going down the stairs." I said with a smile as always. No response. "Olive are you listening to me?" I asked again, only hearing a quiet "yes" in response.

Red and Indi were already here downstairs. Red was the middle child, a human made out of ink, 12 years old, the only male child out of the five. He was just as cheerful as Indi, who was a  full on ink wolf as well, she is 10. They always like enjoying themselves by playing most of the day.

Lastly who went down was Sapphire, the youngest one, she was a human, and also has the inky wolf ears and tail, like Briar. She is 7 years old. She was born mute, but it didn't matter, as she had a heart of gold, and always kept a smile on her face, no matter how much other kids her age would tease and bully her,she always managed to put a smile on.
She smiled at me which I returned the favor and smiled myself.

A few minutes later, me and Boris, gathered all of the children around the campfire, each with hot cocoa in our hands.

"What are we gonna do, pops?" Asked Briar while still looking at her phone. "Briar, give me the phone" I said, with a tone of commandment. "But why?" She asked me, holding her phone to her chest.

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