Cuphead x Reader - Hangout.

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No One POV

Y/N sighs as she sat on her F/C couch that Fiona got her about a week ago. (About a week ago, week ago.. ok I'll stop)

"Nothing to do" Y/N complained as she faceplanted.

Fiona was out doing gahd-who-knows-what, Boris was out with Bendy, so that they can have some Brother Bonding.

"You bored?" Mugman asked while making his way to the Everyone Couch.

"Tell me about it" Y/N said while still face first on the couch.

Mugman chuckled and drank his, probably hot chocolate.

Just as Y/N was about to say something to start a conversation, Mugman's phone beeped.

"Oh my, I gotta go. I'll be back, Y/N"

"Oh, yeah. Sure."

And with that, Mugman made his way out the door, leaving Y/N and Cuphead alone. Cuphead being in his room, and Y/N being in the living room.

She groaned out and thought.

"I can hang out with Cups. He wont mind" She mumbled to herself. She made her way towards Cuphead's room. Which the door is lock. Unsurprisingly.

She knocked. "Cuphead" no response. She knocked again "Cuphead!"

Still no response. She sighed, clearly being annoyed.

She knocked again, but very loudly. "I swear to the ink machine that if you don't open this door, I'm breaking it!"

She knows that Cuphead cant be asleep. He never sleeps if the sun is out. And she certainly knows that he wont change that.

A groan can be heard from the inside.

"Come in"

"The door's lock, you baka!" (I'm thinking of other things cause in Japanese Baka means idiot, and in Filipino, it means cow. So I'm laughing my head off to mars right now.)

Another groan could be heard and some shuffling. The door opened to reveal Cuphead in his usual outfit, but without the jacket thing and instead of pants, he was wearing cream colored shorts.

"What do you want, Fiona."

"Its me. Y/N"

He glared at her but his gaze softened when he was that it was Y/N

"Oh, hey Y/N. What's up? And, I know its the clouds the ceiling and crap, but you know what I mean."

"You read me like a book sometimes. But, wanna hang out? I'm bored as crap."

"I don't wanna go out right now. Not in the mood. But, we can hang out here in my room. We can play some games if you want."

"Sure. Mario kart?"

"Mario kart"

She went in and they both went to the consoles. They started playing after picking the characters and crap like that.

After some time of playing, they eventually got bored.

"This is getting boring" Y/N complained.

"I know. Lets do something else."

"Like what?"

"Idk, watch TV?"

"Eh, sounds good."

They both went to the couch that was In Cuphead's room and they turned on the TV. Yes, Cuphead has his couch too. Same with the other peeps.

"Imma use the bathroom" Cuphead stood up and made his way to do his business.

Y/N nodded understandingly, eyes still glued to the TV.

Cuphead went and Y/N continued watching.

Not even 10 seconds after, Y/N stood up and looked around. Something caught her eye. It was Cuphead's diary. She plastered a sh*t eating grin and made her way to the book.

She flipped some pages and read some interesting things. Just as she was gonna reach the part in where it says his crush's name, the book was almost snatched from her. Key word, almost.

Cuphead growled and tried getting it again. But Y/N dodged and ran around his room.

"Ugh Y/N! That's personal stuff!"

"Friends don't keep secrets from each other ~!" She replied in a sing song like tone, while still running with Cups chasing her.

"Seriously tho! Stop running!"


Cuphead growls and lunges at her. Pinning her to the wall. This caused Y/N to throw away the book by accident.

It took them a moment to realize their position.

(Crappy art by meh!! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧) (PS, if you have short hair, imagine it to be short

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(Crappy art by meh!! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧) (PS, if you have short hair, imagine it to be short.)

When the realization hit her, Y/N blushed as red as a tomato.

It took a few more moments until Cuphead blushed as well. He quickly backed away and was an apologetic mess.

"H-hey! Its o-okay! T-that was just an accident!" Y/N said awkwardly while rubbing her arm.

"N-no! Its not! Its j-just--"

"What happened, happened. So don't worry about it. No one got hurt, and that's what matters"

"Fine. But I'm still sorry"

Y/N shakes her head playfully and stands up, offering her hand.

Cuphead accepts it and stands up.

"I'm still not forgiving you for looking through my stuff."

"Psh, I just read your embarrassing moments, some of your secrets, and I was very close on finding about your crush"

"Are you s-serious?!"

"No, I'm Y/N"

"Gah!" Cuphead groans and makes his way to the door. "I'm out"

"Hey wait for me!"


"Miss me, b*tches?!" Fiona exclaimed as she waltzed her way to her couch.

"No" Cuphead said plainly.

"Shut up, I know you love me. Oh wait, you love Y/N" Fiona shows her phone to see a picture of the position earlier.

"Isn't that sweet?"

"How the f*ck did you get that?!" Y/N said, surprise.

"Magic~" Fiona said while doing jazz hands.

The two groaned and Bendy and Mugman chuckled. "Oh you two" They said in sync.

"Just kiss already!" Boris pointed out from the background.

The two blushed more and Y/N exited the awkwardness from the room and went to the safety of her bedroom.

Same goes with Cuphead.
The End.

Hope you enjoyed! Bayiee!

I'm out, k cya, ;), love, Tia. ~ <3

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