Bendy x Inkness! Reader x Felix - Part 2

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Another flashback comes as she sees them in the outfits her flashbacks show. She looks down on herself as she was wearing clothes similar to theirs. They were in a field under a shaded tree with..two people with.. Cup for heads?

Then, it came back to normal.

Everyone was still talking as thankfully no one noticed her spacing out. She glances out the glass and.. They're the same people she just saw! They seem to be wearing the same outfit.


"I'm Mugman!" The blue one beamed. "And I'm Cuphead." The red one stated in a more chilled manner. "Its nice to meet both of you, Mugman and Cuphead." Y/N politely says as they nod. "You too Y/N!"

"Yeah you too." Bendy comes back with two more chairs as the brothers occupied them. As they sat together, another flashback came to Y/N.


She...somehow knew these people before but... she just doesn't know why..


"Anyways! So, Y/N, its amazing to finally meet you!" Bendy exclaimed as Boris nodded his head excitedly. "Yeah! Bendy is a huge fan!" The demon blushes slightly as he glared at his younger brother. He shrugged with a grin.

"B-but yeah..I really like your writing!" Bendy added as Y/N smiled. It was an everyday compliment but yet.. It sounded so new to her. Writing? She never did that. She had no passion in it. She was always a dancing type of person. "Me too! You are a big inspiration for me!" Felix exclaimed as he chuckled. "I'm planning on being successful like you someday. Hell, we're the same age and yet you've already done that!"

Now Y/N was a little confuse. Isn't Felix thirty- oh what are you even saying, Y/N! You hardly even know the dude! "O-oh wow. Thanks, Felix. That means a lot." She smiled gleefully as the cat slightly blushed. Cuphead notices a glare coming from Bendy out of the corner of his eye. He chuckled as he wrapped an arm around him as he whispered into his ear.

"Jealous~?" Bendy blushed furiously as he shook his head. "Of course not!" The demon defended. Cuphead laughed hysterically as he ruffled his hair, earning a frustrated groan from the unfortunate short victim. As the two goofed off, Y/N laughed slightly, brushing a piece of her hair behind her ear. Felix chuckled, sending a small glance towards the girl. She sends one his way as well with a smile. He smiled back with a blush. Bendy couldn't help but feel jealousy take over him as he stared at the both of them. "Anyways!" Boris broke the ice, "What should we order?" Mugman thought for a moment. "I don't know really. Whatever Cuphead is having, I'm having it." Boris shrugged as he turned to Felix. "Hmm..oh look, the waiter's here." He turned his attention towards him, "Uh yes, I would like a cup of hot chocolate please." The waiter nodded as he looked at Cuphead.

"Just  a cake. Have any vanilla?" The waiter nodded as he listed it. "Mine too!" Mugman exclaimed, having the waiter scribble over the 'x1' on the paper and replacing it with a 'x2'. He turned to Y/N. Having already eaten and is full, she smiled kindly and said "Just water, please." The waiter nodded and listed it down. He turns his attention towards Bendy. "The souls of the innocent."

(Ahahahahahahha kill me-)

"A bagel." Boris interjects. "Two, bagels." The waiter nodded and doesn't so much as give a word, walking away. Y/N laughs at the two's joke as Bendy and Felix couldn't help but blush.

Bendy and Felix both admitted it to themselves.

They were jealous.


The 6 exchanged numbers as Bendy offered Y/N to bring her back to her room. She happily accepted the offer as they went there. They talked and Bendy couldn't help but blush with each passing second with her. Never, in a million years, would Bendy ever think that he could be friends with his least, they were friends.. Right?

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