❀ B e n d y

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"Well you look dashingly miserable."

You narrowly avoided Max's hand that threatened to slap you with a loud cackle, this guy that was like, two, three years younger than you somehow ending up as your boss. "Seriously, your depression's spoiling the food."

"Shut up, at least I'm not contaminating it with my cologne." You scoffed, tying the apron around yourself as the first customers of the day stumbled inside. "It's called perfume, dear ignorant. And at least I'm actually wearing some."

His lack of a response was enough to make you frown, your usual banter having not go on as long as it usually did. "Oi, Max, did you get dumped or something?" To your surprise he cries out, hands crossed as he buries his face in it. "That's the thing! I don't even have anybody to do that to me!"

With a loud groan you slapped the back of his head, your worried state wasted over his teenage angst. "Well Jesus Christ don't make it seem like somebody died or something!" This only made him groan again, a chuckle daring to escape your lips as you went to go and actually start your shift.

It was fairly lackluster, the occasional breakfast combo, some lunatics ordering plain pancakes, and of course the overabundance of coffee.

It was a bright Tuesday morning what did you expect?

Listing another order of a plain coffee with some cake that could give you diabetes from just the name itself, you hadn't heard the bell's jingle, signalling the arrival of another customer.

You walked back to the counter to wipe it the best you could, the last mother-daughter pair that ate not having enough common courtesy to clean up after themselves. You wanted to say that you were surprised, but it happened so many times that the chances of it stopping anytime soon gets slimmer with each passing day.

"Is splitting up with Cuphead and Mugman really a good idea?" Bendy scoffs once again, an annoyed roll of his eyes at the mention of that 6'3 oversized pain in the ass. "Those two idiots-"


"-will be fine. Plus, it'd be a win-win for us, whatever happens to them."


The demon couldn't help but chuckle at that, barely missing the swipe of his brother's hand that was aimed for his face. It was all in good nature, but him trying to move away too quickly wasn't, he almost fell off the fucking stool.

"Hello, welcome to Pete's Eatery," Pete-ry, "May I take your. . . or. . . der," Bendy didn't miss the way their waiter trailed off, an annoyed-and almost pleading, one that craved death-look on the cartoon dog's face. "Sorry, excuse me, I have to take care of something." He raises a brow and tries to follow where he was looking so disappointed at, missing the way he called over a name that he probably would be wanting had he paid attention to who owned it.

"What happened?" Boris whispered, also looking confused but of course not getting an answer from his dear older brother. "Not a clue."

"Hi, sorry about that," Almost immediately he perked up at the feminine voice, some tamer version of a boner making him snap his neck to the source. "Anyway, what'll it be this morning, sirs?"

"Any chance that you're on the menu?" Almost immediately the poor wolf cried out in embarrassment, face hidden behind the poorly printed menu as you blinked in surprise. But then you laughed, all in good nature, "Flattered, but no."

. . .

"Though I doubt you'd be able to afford me if I was," somehow, by some miracle and otherworldly power you sent him a wink, an even louder groan coming from the obviously underaged boy sitting right beside the both of you. The shorter one looked a little taken aback, pink dusting his cheeks before he grinned widely. "Oh? Wanna bet on that, princess?"

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