Max x Reader = Part 2

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Knock knock knock

"Come in!" Max calls out as he hangs his head upside down from his bed.

"Sup Max" Y/N greeted as she goes in.

"Hey! I didn't know you were visiting today" Max says as he sits up.

Y/N flops onto the bean bag. "Nah, it was pretty boring back at home. So I decided to crash in for now."

"How is it boring if you have like 400 something siblings?" Max questions as he faces towards Y/N.

"426. Its boring and annoying."

"What about Pebbles? Is she surviving?" Max asks jokingly.

"She's with Uncle Micks. They went somewhere." Y/N explained.

"Oh. Bet you ten bucks that your brothers are jealous."

"Trust me. They are. Anyways, what can you do around here?" Y/N asks as she stands up and looks around.

"I don't know. Play games, watch a movie, annoy dad -  Even tho that's impossible cause he never gets annoyed -, or just do random stuff. Or do nothing." Max explains.

"I really want to pick the last option but, what if we prank call someone, or something?" Y/N asks as she sits on the carpet in front of Max's bed.

"That sounds like a good idea. Lets do it on PJ."

"Who's PJ?" Y/N asks as she tilts her head to the side cutely.

Max could feel his face heating up but he shakes it off.

"Uh.. uncle Pete's son." Max states.

"Pete has a son as well?! Geez. Have I been living under a rock or something?!"

Max chuckles. "Probably."

"That, was a joke." Y/N says.

"Seems pretty accurate." Max responds with a shrug. Y/N playfully rolls her eyes and punches his leg.

"Shut up. You still wanna do it?" Y/N asks.

"As stupid as it sounds, lets do it!"

Y/N laughs silently as she grabs a phone.

"Wait. Since when did you change your phone?" Max asks as he inspects the gadget.

"Oh, this is my old phone. I still keep it cause it works. Dad didn't mind sooo" Y/N finishes it with a shrug.

Max made an oh sound and Y/N hands him the phone. "Place in the number."

Max nods and did as told. "So if we call him, what should we tell him?"

"Tell him that he missed his finals." Y/N states with a straight face.

"Finals' at next week." Max explains.

"Its a prank call, Maximus."

"Maximus? Seriously?"

"What? You prefer Maxie?"

Max blushes "N-no! But-"

"Alright then, I'm calling you Maxie then"

"Maximus would've been better.." Max grumbles.

"No can do. Maxie."

"Lets just get this over with.." Max muttered as he presses the call button.

Seconds later, someone answers. "Hello?"

Max sits next to Y/N on the carpet.

Y/N did a voice impression. "Good day, is this PJ?"

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