Mugman x Reader: A Rapunzel Story

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So I just had a brainstorm yesterday and I just had to do it! So I'm gonna start doing these in where like the story is based of a princess story. So, I hope you enjoy! PS I'm changing some things, so its not exactly like the movie Tangled.

<~Mugman's POV~>

I got sneaked down with a rope supporting me while I grab the crown.


"Allergies, eh?"

He replied with a hum.

It took him a moment to realize until, he whipped around I was already at the roof and we already closed the hatch.

"Hey! Hey! Get back here!"
"Oh no. Oh no no no no"

"What's up with you? That's always have been there"

I showed them the flier "They just cant get my nose right"
(I swear that I didn't plan this through XD)

They both facepalmed and we continued running
I looked at the horse, then at the satchel, then at the horse again.

We tried beating each other to it and I crawled beneath the branch while he tried stepping on my hands and/or fingers.

I got it, but unfortunately, the branch broke.

We exchanged looks.


I went behind these vines, or whatever and hid.

The dumb horse didn't notice and left.

I sighed and looked to see I was in a passage like cave, I guess.

I went to the others side and I saw a tall tower.

I was in awe and I decided to climb it, cause why not?

I climbed and I reached the top.

There was a room, it was really clean actually.

I closed the window and looked in my satchel.

"Alone at last"



I blacked out
I knocked the intruder out cold. I sighed and I placed him in my closet. Well, I tried.

It was pretty hard if I do say so myself.

I tried pushing him, it worked, but when I closed it, he fell on top of me.

I sighed in annoyance

I tried different techniques until I got him in. Well, except his fingers.

I pushed one, then two, then three, and then four.

I made sure it was locked in with a chair and I went to my mirror.

"I got a person in my closet."

"I got a person! In my closet!"

I laughed and did a pose with my frying pan "And mother said I can't take care of myself"

I spinned it and I hit my head. I touched the part in where I hit it, and something caught my attention.

I looked to see a satchel with something shiny inside.

I took it out.

What is this?

I looked at Pascal and he shrugged.

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