REQUEST! Bendy x Strong! Pirate! Reader

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I am so sorry but I forgot who requested this. If you are the one who did it, please tell me. Anyways, I don't know much about pirates so I'll try my best. Enjoy!

  "ARR! This costume is awesome, Bendy!" Boris exclaims as he bounces around in the pirate costume his brother got him.

  This made Bendy chuckle. "Of course, anything for you, bro."

  Oh, you must be lost. Today marks the day of, you may or may not have guessed it, HALLOWEEN!!!

   To mark this special occasion, everyone went out in costumes, like how Halloween goes.

   Bendy just found out about a new musical of pirates. And fell in love with it immediately. (Kind of like me with Hamilton-)


   There was this gal, who is the daughter of the ship's captain. Who, you may ask? Why Y/N, of course.

  She had H/L H/C hair, eyes having a nice shade of E/C, and her skin having a nice S/C color.

  For Bendy, she was perfect. This is where he has found the inspiration for his and his brother's costumes.

  While walking and daydreaming about his new found crush, he bumps into someone. (Here comes the pirate talk) "Ahoy, watch where ya goin', lad."

  "Uh.. I'm sorry! I wasn't looking!" Bendy apologized immediately. The voice chuckle. Seemingly female. "Me should be apologizing, matey. What a landlubber me is!"

  "Oh.. Of course! But still, sorry." Bendy apologizes as he keeps his head down. He hears Boris snickering. "Dude.. Look who you bumped into..."

     Bendy looks up and his heart just skipped a mile. It was the one and only Y/N!!

   His jaws open as far as it could go. He just bumps into his crush, while daydreaming about her. WHAT!?

    The female pirate chuckles. "'Eya lad. Ye heard of me, eh?"

  Bendy absentmindedly nods. She chuckles once more. "Ah, me understand, matey. Aye, who this young wolf be?"

  "I'm Boris. His brother. His name is Bendy." Boris answers for his love struck brother. "Ah, okay. Me name's Y/N. But, me be certain ye already know, aye?" Boris and Bendy nod.

   "Alright. Shiver me timbers! Me have to go, me hearties. Me dad be seein' me to Davy Jones if me be stayin' out too long!" She exclaims. "I be real sorry for cutting it short, lads, but... Say... That be the scallywag that me dad's trying to catch..." She mutters the last part as she slowly hovers her hand over to her sword case.

   The brothers raise a brow and look behind them. They look at Y/N and she was already gone. Probably charging at whoever it is she saw. They think fast and chase after here.

  "Ay me blimey! Gimme the doubloons, ye scallywag!"

  "No chance, lassy!"

  She growls and continues running. She catches up to him and dives on him. Which ended up with both of them tumbling to (their doom) an alleyway.

  Bendy and Boris got even more worried and chased after. They looked and found Y/N's boot on his back while she holds a bag of, to what seems to look like, coins. "Me won this time. Make sure to cut off this crap before I be cutting you up with me cutlass and ye be shark bait. Savvy?"

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