REQUEST! Bendy x Felix's Sister! Adventurous! Reader

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"Gah! Where am I!?" Bendy exclaims as he looks around. Last thing he remembers is that he was walking around with the others in the jungle.

"Shoot... I may have fallen through the hole that Boris warned us about... Damn am I stupid..." He whispers to himself as he looks around his surroundings.

"Hm..." Behind him was a tunnel. He shrugs and stands up. Trying to dry himself off. "At least I landed in water."

He checks for his bag and realizes that Cuphead was carrying it, after he lost a bet. Bendy chuckles at how Cuphead lost but facepalms about his bag's location.

"Welp.... Gonna have to be resourceful...." He walks past through the watery tunnel. "Strange...there's no signs of light and yet, I can see so clearly..."

After some walking, he sees light in the distance. An exit. He smiles broadly and runs towards it. Ready to greet freedom. Before he could reach it though, he hears someone else running in the water. He stops and it abruptly stops just a few seconds after him.

He tries to pinpoint the location and it turns out to be on his right. He walks slowly over to the location. There were vines growing and it seemed to be covering something. As he was about to unveil the mystery behind the vines, someone tackled him to the wet floor. "Hey! Get off me!"

From the fall, water manages to get splashed into his eyes. He wipes them off as best as he could and he sees his attacker. It was....female? And...holy shxt a knife was ready to slice up his neck with one wrong move.

"Who are you and how do you know my location?!" It- she, snarled. Bendy blinks a couple of times before snapping back to his senses. He swallows down a lump in his throat and finds his mouth dry. He still manages to answer tho. "Uh well I just fell when we were uh walking and I tried to find a way out and I heard some noises so I tried to check it out and here I am now."

She growled once more as she gets off of him. He sighs as he feels his neck. "Yeah. Sorry about your clothes. Here, lemme help you." She says as she offers a hand. Bendy gladly accepts it and he stands up. She snickered. "Damn you're short."

He blushes as she laughs. "I'm just kidding. Anyway, name's Felicia." She greets. He shakes his hand and smiles. "Bendy."

Wait... Felicia.....that name sounds... Familiar...

"Hey, trying not to touch into more personal things here but uh..." He starts off nervously. "Do you happen to have Y/N in your name?"

She seems surprised and her expression turns into a scowl as she pins Bendy to a wall, same knife to his throat. "Who really are you, Bendy!? If that's even your name!"

Bendy was sweating bullets, holy shxt this girl is wild.

"Woah woah woah chill! Okay? Look, my name is Bendy and I may or may not have mistook you for someone else but a friend of mine told me about you!"

"And who is that friend!?" She growled as she lightly deepens the knife. Almost drawing blood. Their faces were so close that Bendy could feel her breath on his face.

He gulps once more and lets out a shaky breath. "F-Felix..."

This made her stop. Her expression suddenly turning into sadness. (If you haven't guessed yet, reader has a lot of mood swings. And by a lot I mean A LOT.)

"Felix... Felix... He's.... He's still alive...." She shakily says. She let's go of Bendy and she giggles. Then laughs. "Felix! My brother is still alive! Who would've known!?"

Bendy was utterly confused. Brother? Felix? Wha?

"O-oh. I forgot you're still here. Heh." She smiles sheepishly as she clears her throat. "My name is Y/N Felicia (Whatever the hell Felix's last name is). I am his sister."

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