Closing Chapter

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"Hello hello hello, readers!" Fiona exclaimed, her voice booming even more out of the speakers. The crowd roared, the cast sitting in the couch laughing and waving at the guests.

"So we have sadly reached the end of the book, and to properly end it, we can now have the unanswered questions some of you may be dying to ask the crew! So let's stop wasting time-"

"Says the woman who spent three hours in the bathroom just because she had her laptop with her!" Cuphead called out, passive aggresively as he gestured to her to the audience. "Seriously who does that?"

"Stop it, you two." Felix said through gritted teeth, wanting to slap both.

A boot lands on Cuphead's face, (The cat glared at her) Fiona shrugging and letting the covered question flash onto the big screen behind them by pressing a button on the remote.

"And here we have the first question." She tosses the mic and remote to Bendy, her speaking onto the mic attached to her headphones. "For you, shorty." 

He mocked her, before shaking his head and pressing the remote to reveal the question. "From zzgirl101, Bendy, how tall are you?" His face drained of all emotions, eyes dead straight at the audience as he snapped his head towards them. "I am four feet, eight inches, and two quarters tall. And I will kick your knees."

Everyone in the studio laughed, Cuphead having the best time of his life as he died laughing. Bendy rolled his eyes, face lit up with red in anger and embarrasment. He pressed the remote once more, another covered question with the label Boris on top of it appearing on the screen. He gave the mic and remote to Boris, the young wolf pressing the button.

"From zzgirl101, (again I see), What's it like to be surrounded by idiots?" He rose a brow. "Oh and except Felix, okay." Felix chuckled, the complaints and groans of the other members overlapping each other as laughter and applause thundered from the audience. Boris shrugged, "Eh. Some people call it a bad day, an unlucky encounter. But at this point I call it another Tuesday."

The crew laughed, still not forgetting of the original question but hey let's just forget about that there was a joke so laugH-

Boris, after pressing the button once more, passed it onto Felix, who thanked him and revealed the question. "Another one from zzgirl101; Felix, do you have the same behavior as a normal house cat?" Felix stared, Mugman snickering. He shrugged. "Not sure really. One can say?? As much of a house cat I can be seeing as I pretty much do all of the chores at the studio."

"Hey now-" Felix cut Fiona off, "So good guess but actually no."

"Hot damn someone actually said the joke right." Mugman laughed as Boris muttered it, Bendy smothering Cuphead with a pillow after saying something. "Oh Bendy it's for you." Felix stated, handing him the two things. "Thanks." He pressed it. "From ElysTheGeek, how different do you think your life would've been if you never got ill? In a bad or good way." His face scrunched, thinking of an answer. "Hmm, that's a little tricky."

"And deep." Boris said.

"Whatshesaid-" Fiona disguised as a cough, earning a high five from Chip and Cuphead. Another glare from Felix came their way.

"Well, for starters, it'd definitely be an easier life. No pills, no fear of death when getting an attack and yeah. But, the sad thing would be that I would've never went on an adventure if I was never ill. So I kind of like hate and love it at the same time." He laughed, pressing the button for the next question. "Oh its for me and Boris." Mugman smiled, grabbing the remote and pressing the button. "From ElysTheGeek once more," Mugman started. "Why are you so adorable?" Boris read as he stared at the screen. Mugman flipped around striking a sassy pose. "Hell yeah I am."

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