Cuphead x Reader

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"Please be careful with ME!" The last word came out as a yell as your male friend ran across the field with you on his back. After agreeing to a stupid piggyback ride contest, he took you as his partner because you were 'tiny'. "The others will be at a small advantage now, seeing that you're smaller than most of them." He boasted after he explained to you his so called fool-proof plan.

You held onto him tightly, squeezing your eyes shut as you tried your best not to scream as to not startle him. "I'm killing you after this!!" You yell anyway as he only laughs. You both finish in second place; him a little salty but happy nonetheless. He let you down, your legs wobbling as you held onto him for support. "I'm telling your girlfriend that you've been abusing me..." You growl as he laughs.

"Who, Fiona? Nah, she's the one who recommended you to me." You snap your head to face him as he only shrugs, letting you lean on him as he escorts you to the bleachers. As you sat, you watched from a distance as they gave the small awards. At one point when asked who his partner was, Asher pointed to you, drawing all attention towards you as you waved.


"To no surprise, Cuphead was the one who won." Fiona said, linking her arm with yours as you two walk the halls the next morning. "Really? Huh. I thought those two got neck to neck because they're basically on the same level?" Fiona shrugged. "I think it was because Bendy was his partner. I mean, have you even carried him? He's as light as a feather!" 

You snicker. "As light as a stinky old feather!"

A girl coughs in sinner in the background.


You entered your math class, taking your usual seat by the window. The students soon flooded in, taking their seats as the teacher wakes up from his  nap seconds before the bell rang. You pout, 'One day he'll sleep through it.'

He greets you all a good morning before starting his class.

His boring class.

Now this teacher was your prefect; a single, cynical, fourty-five year old man who was a master at basically everything. From being able to memorize almost all the verses from the bible word for word to being able to balance an oreo cookie on his nose for ten minutes as it stood on it's side. And definitely not the flat side. 


But even with this attitude; he was still a funny and genuine person. He cracks jokes from time to time, most of them being slightly offensive to the government as he applies these to his methods of teaching. Most usually listened to him, but today something seemed off. Since this school year was nearly coming to an end, many students paid no more attention to the closing chapters of your textbooks.

You were no doubt one of those said students.

He catches sight of this, abruptly putting his teachings to a halt as he stares at your class. "Alright everyone keep your things and go to the back; we're rearranging seats." He paused a few moments before sighing. "Again." Almost all just stated at him, not sure if he was serious. "Now!" His voice suddenly boomed, sending all of you to rush and follow his orders. "Okay boomer." You heard one student mutter as you snicker, careful not to catch his attention before joining the others at the back.


You ended up next to Cuphead and the perverted creep of the classroom. You groaned silently, trying your best to one; stay away from him, and two; try to listen to your teacher. Unknowingly, you were more leaned to one side; Cuphead's side, as to not be near said creep. He didn't seem to notice; seeing he was asleep.

You sigh, feeling bored as you doodled on your textbook. You weren't supposed to, you realized, after you have drawn a small flower. You shrug. People don't call you chaotic evil for nothing-

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