Mickey x Reader - See You Tomorrow

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My plot was originally gonna be kinda sad but I have been writing sad stuff for the past updates so I changed it up HAHAHAHAH don't kill me—

Also no this is STILL not the chapter with y'all in it— it's hard juggling a lot of characters okay cut me some slack ;-;

And this one is kind of inspired by a video on youtube so yeah

"Y/N!" They exclaimed as Y/N laughed, running through the dark and dense forest. "Come on, slowpoke!" She exclaimed as she jumped over a rock. "I'm not that fast you know!!!" Her cousin exclaimed as they slow down to a stop, catching their breath. Y/N rolled her eyes playfully. "Suit yourself I'm still continuing!!!" Y/N chirped as her boots trampled through the dirt, little pieces of dust and debris jumping from the earth below each and every step.

She was going to the area where none of her nor her cousins have ever explored. She slowed down to a jog as she admired the new looking trees. They looked..different, to say the least. As she walked, she nearly slipped. She immediately caught her balance as she looked at what it was. It was a pencil. She shrugged and picked it up, wiping it on her brown tunic before putting it behind her ear. As she walked, she fiddled with her belt, adjusting it.

She was at small awe with the kind of new scenery. As a few minutes pass, the sign of daylight and cottages were at a distance. She took speed with her pace as the pouch attached to her belt containing some of her coins and items bounced against her hips. As she got closer, she noticed something. She slowly skidded to a stop, the small specks of dust flying off the ground. She reached her hand out, expecting to feel nothing but air. Instead, she was met with a..paper like surface. She looked up, some of the trees shading still covering her eyes from the sun. It was a transparent wall that was at least ten feet tall. Her lips pouted, her eyes scanning her surroundings. She remembered the pencil as she looked at it. Then at the wall.

"Oswald, could you please buy me some— oh where is that bunny." Their mother pouted with a sigh, holding the coins. "I can do it for him, ma. Ozzy went to go help Mrs. Browne again with her door." Mickey smiled, standing before her. She smiled, rubbing his head. "Alright here. Go buy some almonds and rice spices from Mr. Bigge." Mickey nodded before skipping out their cottage.

Upon arrival, his mother gave him a kiss on his forehead. "Thank you very much, Mickey. You can go play now." His smile widened, tying his pouch to his belt quickly, "Thanks ma!" as he rushed out the house, passing by Oswald who was just walking in. "Woah careful!" Mickey smiled apologetically. "Sorry!" As he ran towards the fields to meet up with his friends. As he greeted the familiar faces of his neighbors, he glanced at the direction of the wall. Everyday, he visited there but every visit had the same result: Just a dense forest. He shrugged, "No harm in trying." He took a turn as he headed there.

And of course, he was greeted with the same scenery. He sighed, glancing each sides. Then, a girl behind the wall caught his attention. He smiled broadly, running towards her. She was scribbling all around the wall from her side. She glanced up, seeing Mickey. Her eyes widened as she waved enthusiastically. She moved to a clear spot as she wrote: 'Hi!' To Mickey, it was reversed but he read it just fine. He smiled as well, waving back. She wrote again. "Can.. You.. Write? Or...have...a." He squinted as she finished the sentence. "Pencil. Oh no I don't! Wait here!" He exclaimed as he gestured it, with her nodding in understanding.

Y/N smiled widely as she erased what she had just recently wrote. She found a friend! All she really talked to were the girls from her neighborhood who came to visit and her cousins. A few minutes pass and he comes back, waving around a pencil as he wrote. 'My name's Mickey! What's yours?' She smiled, writing back. 'I'm Y/N! I'm from the Barbarus Village. It's just through this forest!' He smiled, writing back again. 'Awesome! I'm from, well, here!' He gestured to the surroundings, chuckling. She giggled as she erased the previous words she had written.

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