REQUEST! Felix x Depressed! Ink Illness! Reader

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Yeah I know the usual updates have been Felix x Readers-

BTw, requested by LunaTheCatimatronic ..First request ever! After 78 chapters! Lol, lez do diz!
And it may or may not be sad-

I sigh happily as I lay my head on my Husband's shoulder, content with the carve we have just made on the tree.
(Isn't weird that most people on these kinds of dates have knives-)

"(Husband's Name)?"

"Yeah babe?"

"Do you love me?"

He sighs and plasters a kind and warm smile on his face. "Of course I do." He kisses my forehead gently and we continue to relax.

Oh! You must be pretty lost here! My name's Y/N. I'm married to a very charming man named (Husband Name). I (used to) love him as much as he loves me! We've been married for 8 years! I actually thought our relationship was gonna last forever. But.... I was very much wrong.

Ever since the news about the ink illness getting found once more, mostly everyone in our town were suggested to get a test to see if we have a chance of getting the illness. Or in this case, The Inkness.

Me and my husband went to our trusty doctor to get our tests. He went first and his results were Negative. Praise the heavens... note the sarcasm.

I was very happy for him. Key word, was. Once he finished, it was my turn. They got some of my blood and we waited patiently for the results.

Once they came back to us, they all had a look of remorse and dissapointment. And just, sadness. "Miss Y/N...I'm sorry but..." They trailed off as they showed me the tablet. Which had POSITIVE in big, bold, bright red letters. Mocking my very existance. This was....shocking. It truly was. "No! This is not true!" I defended, "It must've gotten mixed up with someone else!"

Tears were swelling up in the corners of my eyes. All threatening to fall.

"We would be delighted to say that it was but..." They all hung their heads low as they lightly sway them side to side. A single tear dropped down my cheek

Once we reached home, it couldn't have gotten any worse. " no cure..." I kept muttering as I paced around our shared bedroom, eyes red and puffy, snot all cramped up in my nostrils. Blocking the entrance of air.

"Babe...." I mutter, catching his attention. "I'm gonna be okay, right? We're still gonna have our happy life, right?" I state unsurely. "You're still gonna love me, right?" He sighs. "I....I...I'm taking a walk."

"What? You're just gonna leave!? (Husband Name)! Did you really just forget what just happened!?"

"Y/N! This is too much for me to handle! I've been treating you right for the past 8 years, woman! 8 flipping years! The least that you could give me is time to walk and think!"

"I know, (Husband Name)! I thank you for that!! But the way you reacted earlier, you were disgusted! Yeah don't think that I didn't see, mister! Are you really that pissed just because I have a chance of getting a disease!?"

"You wanna know why I acted that way!? I'll tell you why! I'm sick of this! I'm sick of losing people I love! I lost too much! I can't lose another! And if you and me want to avoid that, we're gonna have to cut it!"

"Cut it!? As simple as that!? I am your wife! If you want to leave me, there's a thing called a divorce! I am not your girlfriend in where you can just dump me at anytime you want!!"

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