Boris x Reader - Snow White Story

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Imma make him like 15? Maybe? Cause Snow White is still 14 so yeah. I'm gonna make you have skin like snow white, okay? I'm not offending anyone but this is still a Snow White story. And I'm changing a few things.

Y/N, the beautiful daughter of the richest man in their town, and a beautiful maiden known as her mother.

Y/N, hair as H/C as (Anything that's color is the same with your hair), eyes that shimmer a nice (Eye color), pale skin that is as white as snow, lips having a natural bright red color. (Is that even possible?), and a nice figure.

Y/N could sometimes also be called Snow White, because of her skin color. Everyone was envious when it comes to her appearance.

One day, when she was only but 7, her father passed away from a sickness.

The only remembrance she had was a
beautiful locket with a picture of the three of them. Y/N was an only child you see.
As Y/N, or Snow White,  grew older, her beauty only grew with her. At the age of 10, her mother started getting a little jealous. (Want some peanut butter with that jelly? ᕙ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕗ)

Y/N slowly became her little servant at such a young age. Forcing her to do chores, all by herself.

4 years passed and she was now 14.

She doesn't know why her mother does this to her but goes with it anyway. She doesn't wasn't to get trapped in a closet, anytime soon.

One time in a beautiful day, she was cleaning the back part of the mansion. The stairs to be exact. Where the well was close by.

That well, is considered to be her property. She would wish a wish every single day.

Snow White was scrubbing the stairs, humming a beautiful tune.

She started singing, birds humming along to her beautiful, elegant voice.

She started getting lost in thought and started dancing, absentmindedly.

She was looking down the well, still singing. Until she heard a voice join in with her, a male one at that.

She looked around, still singing and saw a prince, a wolf toon one.

Even if she didn't remember that much things about her father, she does remember that he told her about talking to strangers.

Even if he is a prince, she was very loyal so she follows anything that her parents tells her. So he isn't an exception.

She stopped singing and rushed to the door, grabbing the items along the way.

She slammed the door closed and looked out the window, to see the prince still standing there.

<~Boris's POV~>

She ran towards the door and grabbing the items with her, and slamming it shut.

"Hey! Wait!"

I could see her peeking out the window and I sent a smile towards her. She could be visibly seen gasping and she hid behind the wall. Out of my sight.

I sighed and I could see and hear her running up the stairs and into a balcony. Well, hiding behind the wall by the doorframe.

I started singing again and I could see her popping her head out a little. I smiled and she quickly retreated.

I sighed once more and figured that it would be hopeless. So I checked to see that she can still see me, so I waved a small goodbye at her and decided to pay visits from now on.
No One POV

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