Boris x Reader - Love and Games (lol idk)

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No One POV

No one at the studio. Just Y/N, herself, and her. "Gah! Fiona! Why do you have to do this to me?!" Y/N screamed. She didn't care if the neighbors heard her.

5 seconds after, the door busted open to reveal Fiona with a potion. "IjustaskedhelpfromBerthaandshemademethispotionwhichcanturnyoubacktoaspecificage!!!!"

"English please" Y/N plainly said. "I said that Bertha gave me a potion that can turn anyone to a specific age" Fiona stated.

"Why do you need to turn back your age?" Y/N asked, not seeing the logic.

"Its not for me! Its for a.. uh... specific person! Anyways, I wanted to try this on someone! To make sure it works, have any suggestions?"

"I dunno"

Fiona grunted and made her way to the kitchen. She came back with the potion on a spray thingy thing.

"I'm gonna spray this on someone" Fiona said, a little bit excited.

"Cant you just do it on yourself? you can just change your age after."

"Might mess up my magic"

Y/N looked at her with a really face. "Bruh"

"I'm not God after all"

"You got a point. Can I get a look?"

"Alright then" Fiona said unsurely.

She made her way to Y/N, very, very carefully. "You a d*mn turtle now?" Y/N said.

"I cannot afford dropping this! You know how clumsy I am!"

"True, true"

Fiona slowly hands Y/N the potion, very slowly and carefully.

As soon as Y/N got a hold of it, she snatched it and looked at it closely.

"Careful!" Fiona warned.

"Yeah yeah whatever you say, mom" Y/N said sarcastically.

Fiona rolled her eyes and waited impatiently. "You done?"

"Almost. Hey, why don't you try it on me?" Y/N asked.

"You sure? It lasts for like a w--" "I'm sure"

Fiona looked at her in surprise. "Alright then..."

Y/N gives it back to Fiona and she sprays it on her. "Oh wow, I feel.. weird.. why am I thinking about games?"

"I dunno. Lemme check your age... holy bonkers you're 12!"

"Twelve? Like I'm the same age as Boris now?"

"Yeah, looks like it"

"Sweet mother of Jerusalem, I'm only thinking about games"


"Yeah... and... Korean?! Why am I thinking about this Korean boy band?! What is it again?! BTS? EXO? I don't know!"

"Wow... I'm gonna go now."

"Wait what?! You're not leaving me like this, are you?!"

"Maybe.. maybe not"


"Bai!" Fiona snaps her fingers and she's now nowhere to be seen.

"Oh my gahd you're the worst. HOW LONG DOES THIS LAST?!"

"A WEEK!!" Fiona screamed from the front porch.

"A WEEK?!"


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