Bendy x Reader: In A Different World - Part 3

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This is a universe in where real people are fictional and fictional people are real.

Also I know there are some small arguments between the characters about powers and shit and I just realized halfway through about what this whole plot's about but still like shhh its too late its still a chapter so eat it up, sweetheart.

You are Y/N, basically an Anime Idol plus plus. With all the actings and memes and movies and many things. You along with your friends decided to try and find magic, because what better to do on a Saturday night than search for a magic user who probably has no problem in killing you all off easily with a snap of her fingers, right?

But we're being positive here. As positive as we can be after Stephen left Danplan yes I'm still saD-

I know he's doing much better now but still a part of my late childhood just went and jumped off a microwave-

You had just found yourself in your creator's art program; seeing that she was gonna add some designs and fearures to you. Meanwhile in the other world, things continue to look up for the friends. Bendy waiting for his OC to be on the manga, the petition Mugman signed got looked into and accepted and the others are irrelevant because come on Bendy's the important one here.

And so we continue our tale...


You awaken in your room, tired and feeling weird.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!" A scream erupted somewhere outside, echoing all throughout the camp. You..... Didn't flinch. Honestly, living with morons like your friends... It gets tiring. You rub your eyes, sitting up as you took your time to get up. You grabbed your phone, slipping on your slippers as you stumbled to the door. You opened it, leaning on the door frame as you see Bun Bun worriedly running past your trailer towards... You couldn't give two fucks honestly.

You walk out, closing the door behind you as you yawned. You turn your gaze to see.... Star on fire? She was hollering and howling, setting things around the camp on... Well fire. You stared, sitting on a log as you observed Cake making a three layered dessert of the same name that is at least seven feet tall. Out of her bare hands.

Comet was the one who screamed, Star apparently setting a small part of her hair on fire but she was thankful she had a jug of water next to her. Bun Bun... Had bunny...ears. They were big; definitely making her cuter.

New Marketing Strategies by Y/N and Friends' Creator and Owner: 'Smaller Tits Give Bigger Hits.'

Last time was 'Longer Hair To Make Them Care.'

Hell, once was 'Sparkling Eyes Buy You Fries.'

And 'Give Her Shrill-ies She'll Pay The Bill-ies.'

This referred to Comet's higher pitched voice, giving way for pain in the hearers of her recent scream. Yeah it was hard looking for a voice actress for the show. Each one either sounded like a daddy needing rich and spoiled ass bitch on helium who swallows a chipmunk everyday- like, you ain't no Wolfychu, add some base in your voice goddammit.

Until they got their hands on the original designer of Comet; their creator's sister. Who at times sounded like the embodiment of helium who drank more helium, yes, but her voice was perfect.

And so here you were, sitting down staring at them as the whole camp was a big mess of flames, reminding you of hell.

You know, like school.

Dear Lord filming the early chapters of the Manga sucked-

A scream erupted from Bendy's bedroom and all throughout the house. He runs down the stairs, seeing they had a sleepover and was hanging in his bedroom since eight cause he woke up earlier. His friends look at him, some terrified, some done with his shit.

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