Boris x Reader - Snow White Story === Part 2

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No One POV

"Oh gosh, why do i.. feel.. so lightheaded.. all of a sudden..."

And with a quick gust of the wind, Y/N collapsed.

After a few hours, the dwarves were now journeying home, with bags packed with treasures.

"Oh Snow White!"



"*yawn* Snow--"

"Oh no you ain't passing out again!"

"Y/N!! WHERE THE---"

"P-please, not too loud"

"Huh, weird, she usually always greets us" Happy was definitely suspecting something.

"True.. everyone, split up!" Doc requested.

And as said, the dwarves separated and continued looking for Y/N

"Y/N! Where are you?!"



"Y/N, If this is a joke, this isn't funny!!"

"Y/N! *sneeze*Please come out! *sneeze*"

"*yawn* Snow White! Where--where *yawn* (//SLAP//) are you?!"

Dopey ventured throughout the whole house.

Finding nothing.

Eventually, he stumbled upon the apple, but not Y/N's unconscious body. The apple was now very, very rotten and disgusting.

He rushed back to the others, showing the rotten looking apple.

"Ew.. where did you get that?!"

Dopey tried pointing to the room in where he got the apple.

"Whatever, just throw that! That's disgusting!"

"Wait, Dopey's trying to tell us something!" Doc recommended

"Yeah!" Happy cheerfully agreed.

Dopey nodded his head quickly and ran to the room in where he found the apple.

He was gesturing to the floor, pointing at the apple, placing the apple on the floor, showing the floor and such.

This action is simply saying; I found the apple here!

Doc and Happy understood.

"Hey g-guys! I t-think you s-should see t-this..."

"What is it Bashful?"

"I-its.. Y-Y-Y/N! '

"What?!" They all said in sync. They rushed over and saw Y/N on the floor, not showing any signs of life.

"N-no... W-what happened?!"

"How should I know?! I'm not google!"

"He didn't literally ask you, Grumpy!"

"Ugh! Give me that, you little piece of--"

"We don't like cursing, ya old hag!"

The woman grunted once more and dashed towards Grumpy without thinking.

As she was about to hit him, Grumpy steps aside and the old woman fell down the cliff, landing on a platform.


Doc signalled. Everyone used all of their force and pushed the humongous rock.

"W-what?! No! No! Nooo--!!!"

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