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Y/N's Mind -  Did she just turn into a f*cking mother?!

Fiona -  Yes, yes I did, child. Anyways, as I was saying. How are you holding up, sweetie?

She turns around to see Boris clinging onto Mickey. With Mickey comforting him.

Mickey -  He's a little scared. That's all.

Boris -  How much longer?

Fiona -  Its almost done, hun.

Bendy -  That rhymed.

Fiona -  I know.

After a while, the ride finished and everyone got off. Boris immediately hugged Mickey tightly. Real tight.

Mickey -  O-okay, Boris.. but.. uh.. i.. need.. air... cant... breath... too.. tight!

Boris -  S-sorry Mr. Mickey.

He lets go and looks down in shame.
Mickey felt bad after. Bendy goes to Boris and hugs him.

Bendy -  Its okay, Boris. You didn't do anything wrong. Its normal. Now, where's that happy little wolfie?

Bendy said the last part in a baby voice.

Boris smiled and said.

Boris -  Here it is!

Bendy -  That's more like it!

Mugman was in awe.

Cuphead -  Alright, that's enough lovey dovey for now.

Y/N and Fiona -  Cuphead!

Cuphead -  I'm stating facts here!

The girls rolled their eyes and Fiona went to Boris.

Fiona -  How about we go get donuts?

Everyone cheered and Fiona smiles.

Fiona -  Then lets go people!

Y/N -  Okay, how the funk does her personality change like its nothing?

Mickey -  That's pretty normal for her to do that.

Oswald -  Fi's always been like that.

Fiona -  Y'all coming or what?!

Y/N -  We're coming!

Y/N runs after them and walks beside Fiona.

They arrive at Dunkin' Donut and they went to order.

Woman -  Hello, welcome to Dunkin' Donuts how may I help you?

Fiona -  Hello, I would like some of that, 9 of those, this, ooh! And also that one, and that right there, and the one over there. And some of th---

Fiona continued rambling for about i don't know seconds.

Fiona - ----And lastly, that one!

Woman -  Alright miss, that will be a hundred and six dollars.

Cuphead -  How is the woman calm about that?!

Bendy -  I don't know!

Fiona -  Here you go! And keep the change! Lets go, gang!

She marches out with Y/N and Boris just behind her tail.

The others sigh and Felix chuckles and they make their way to the car. They sat in the same positions and Felix turned on the engine.

Felix -  So off to the beach!

Fiona -  Actually, small change of plans. We're going to the movies, then the beach!

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