Boris x Reader - Butterflies

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Startled, the rock tipped as he lost balance. He choked as the rope held him by his throat. The stranger's eyes widened. They ran towards the wolf. Boris grabbed on the rope, desperate to breath. He was gasping, choking. He tried his best to look at the stranger. They jumped and grabbed onto the branch as they grabbed a pocket knife. They sliced the rope in a quick motion as Boris dropped to the floor. He panted, gasping, rubbing his throat in pure disbelief. His vision started going blurry, the face wearing a helmet before him distorted. He blacked out.

"Hey! Hey!" They slapped him multiple times, trying to wake him up. They sighed. The poor wolf was still shivering. They took off their jacket as they put it over his shoulders. They checked his pockets for any form of identification. They found his student ID in his jacket. "Boris.. Huh. Oh.." They realized. "Boris from my class..." They looked at him, sleeping peacefully. They sighed, checking his address.


Boris groaned, adjusting his eyes to the brightness. Then they jolted open. He ran to his mirror to see him alive and well. What happened? He thought he ended it all! He checked what he was wearing. A jacket that doesn't belong to him. He removed it to see the word L/N behind it. L/N? Why was that familiar? His eyes widened. "Alec... What? But.." He was confused. Why would HE help him out of all people?! Alec, the boy who has humiliated and pushed him to suicide, helps him?! His head shook, not fully believing it. "It's probably just a prank... Someone probably just gave it to me to frame me." He sighed. "Whatever. I'll return it later."


As he walked the hallway, he got pushed to a locker. "Heya wolfie~!" The voice said teasingly. It was Alec. "I see that you've skipped school yesterday~! Guess you're finally seeing that no one needs you here~!" Yup. This guy helped him? Nah. Boris stayed quiet, clutching onto the jacket. Alec raised a brow as he looked at what he was holding. He dropped him, grabbing the jacket. "What the-" He grabbed Boris by the neck, slamming him back to the locker. "Why the fuck do you have my sister's jacket?!" Boris was right. There was no way HE could've been the one that hel- wait he has a sister? "Answer me, asshole!" Boris groaned as Alec slammed him once more. He choked, gasping for air as a small crowd formed around them.

"Alec put him the fuck down!" A feminine voice called out from the crowd. "Speak of the devil..." Alec muttered as he looked at the girl approaching. "Alec don't make me repeat." He rolled his eyes. He let go, letting Boris fall to the ground as the girl pushed Alec away. "Nothing to see here, people!" She exclaimed. But no one listened. "She said screw off!" Alec exclaimed as everyone rushed back to what they were doing. She dropped down to his level and looked at Boris. "Hey. You okay?" Boris nodded, still breathing heavily. "Hey. I see you've found my jacket, huh?" He nodded again, quickly, holding it out for her. She smiled, taking it. "Thanks. Anyways; why did you try to do that?" Shit. She saw him.

"It's...personal. To say the least." He muttered, avoiding eye contact. She knew exactly who pushed him into doing it. "Alec." She stated sternly as he rolled his eyes. "What?" She held Boris's face, checking the bruises and fading signs of the scars her so called brother caused. "We're gonna be having a talk later about behavior." She took out a bandaid and placed it on his cheek, seeing as there was a fresh wound there. Alec mocked her as he slung his varsity over his shoulder. "Yeah yeah whatever. Come on." She smiled at Boris. "Sorry about what my asshole of a brother keeps doing to you. I really am. I wish I could've prevented this sooner."

Boris felt happiness for once. "Thank you. Really." She added, "And, please don't do that. That is never ever the answer, alright?" He nodded. She smiled once more before standing up, helping him back to his feet. She went to Alec and grabbed him by the wrist, pulling him away. "And oh, one more thing," She said, turning back to Boris; "name's Y/N." She grinned as she pulled on Alec's wrist, leaving Boris there love struck.

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