REQUEST! Felix x Angel! Reader. - Part 2 of Felix x Depressed! Inkness! Reader

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So, if some of you read my uh Fandom Hopper Reader x Felix, you should know well that I was gonna make a part 2, but uh, I kinda gave up on that. No, I am not a quitter. I simply just got bored of it. But if my mind gets clear and I do all of these chapters that I'm planning on by the end of the week, I just might continue it. Anyways, enough of that. So I've read the comments on the last Felix x Reader, AKA the first request, and some of you wanted a part 2. So here it is! Enjoy Brotato children!



Head hurts...

Body hurts...

Laying on something... something uncomfortable yet... yet soft at the same time...







I jolt up as I look at my surroundings.

Wait.. grass? Why are they yellow?


A tree? With yellow leaves? Where?


White dress? Flower headband? I dead?

Forest... depression... rope...  memories... choking... red and blue...



I stand up without thinking and frantically look around. As far as I can see, is a light yellow tinted sky. With some perfect white soft fluffy clouds, and the sun. Light yellow, or gold even, grass all around. With some flowers here and there.

Let's see. Me, check. Middle of nowhere, check. Clothes, check. Mentality.. half check. Wings, check.

Wait wings!?

I look at my back to find, indeed, a pair of floofy angel wings. It had a gradient effect. From white at the top, and a soft gold color at the end. I shake it off and act like it was nothing, but fail just a tad bit, and try to find someone else other than me.

Nothing else other than me...

Just me, myself and-

Oh wait no..

And a tree. A huge one. With yellow leaves.

I blink a couple of times before going towards it. I trace my fingers around the bark. It has... markings craved into them. Well that's strange. I go around it. Nothing out of the ordinary.

Well that was until I saw a marking different from the rest. It was more...unique if I should say. I go towards it and lightly press it. It was.... a button.

I'd normally be surprised but seeing on how cliche it is, I kinda wasn't.

It opened a door in a tree. Okay, this is too weird.

I shake off that thought and go through it. But before I could, one thought just smashed its way into my head.

Am I in heaven!?

And a force pushes me through. "Wow...rude..." I mutter as I continue to fall.

Wait, fall!?

I look down me and scream. "I'm falling!!"

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