Christmas Special

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"Psst...Psst..Fiona..wake up!" I whispered yell as I shook her. She groaned. "Y-yeah no.." I ignore her as I continue to do so. "Y/N I swear that if you keep doing this I will cut your head off..." I stare at her with a cringed look. I shake my head. "Don't care. Just wake up! Later is Christmas Eve!"

Yup. That was enough to make her practically fly out of her bed laughing. "I ALMOST FORGOT!" She grabbed me by the wrist as she ran fast. "Woah!" I hold onto my Santa hat as I let her drag me down the stairs and into the living room in where the boys were adding finishing touches to the tree. "Everyone stop!" Fiona yelled. They stared at her. "Good morning to you too, Galaxy." Cuphead greeted sarcastically as Fiona laughed in the same manner. "Good morning to you too, asshat."

Felix chuckles as I sat on my couch. Mugman hands me a cup of hot chocolate/coffee. "Thank you, Mugman." He smiles as he sat beside me. "Alright, alright. Cut the childish crap. Fiona, why would you want us to stop?" 'Dad' Felix asks as she smiled brightly. "Because we're not gonna be celebrating here, we're going to Ryvaria!" She exclaimed as everyone stared at her. Then, Boris jumps out of his bedroom window and into the trampoline that was set up here in the living room. "That's a great idea!"

Bendy almost died of a heart attack. "Boris! Goddammit don't do that!" He only laughed as Fiona then lit up. "Actually you know what, FINISH DECORATING THE TREE! WE CAN JUST BRING IT TO THE CASTLE!!" She exclaimed as she summons a new crate of decorations. A male voice then spoke out of nowhere. "Actually Fiona, we already have a big tree back home." This made me almost drop my mug out of surprise as Fiona screamed, almost dropping the crate as well. She flips the bird at a wall with no one there. "Fxck you, Connor!"

"Love you too, sis." Everyone stared in confusion as a boy, about a year or two older than Fiona, emerges out of thin air in where Fiona flipped the bird at. Boris screamed as he jumps onto the trampoline in where Bendy was trying to get something. This made him bounce up so high that he ended up on the window of Boris's room. "Oops, sorry Bendy!" Cuphead just stared as he sipped on a cup of coffee. Mugman sat beside me, hugging me tight as I held onto our beverages using my magic. Felix only smiled as he welcomed the stranger. "Hello, Connor. It is nice to see you again." 'Connor' smiled as he nods. "Its nice to see you too, Felix."

"Wait wait wait! Who is this person?!" Bendy asked as he got down the window. "This.." Fiona sighs, "is Connor. He's.. my big brother who hardly knows how to speak English. He usually only speaks Ryvarianeese." Mugman stared confused as we fixed stuff up. "Ryvaria-what?" Fiona chuckles. "Ryvarianeese. Its our language." Mugman let out an oh as I stood up to go put my mug in the sink. "I say let's do it." I state as Connor smiles at me. "Freregetexe, Y/N." I raise a brow. "He said thank you." Fiona translated as I smile and put my mug in the sink.

When I got back, I saw everyone already starting to get ready. Chip was awake now as well. "Good morning, Chip." I greet as he groans. "Morning..." He rubs his eyes as I go to my room to get ready. I scan over my closet as I picked out an outfit.

I brushed my hair as I just let it loose. I wear my earmuffs as I let them hang on my neck. I grab a small bag and place my gloves there, just in case.


As we gathered around the carpet, Fiona off to go do who-knows-what as Cuphead, Chip and Bendy were getting the cookies packed, Felix and Connor talked. Fiona came back as Felix went ahead and got his things ready cause we're gonna be staying there for some time. Yeah. We're gonna be living there. "So, Connor, what do you do for fun?" I ask, trying to start a conversation. He strokes his invisible beard. "Hm, kwo prefesi puxe, yepregya." I stare, dumbfounded as I look at Fiona for help. She laughs. "Tupufre fete pi jeje, huh?" I stare at both of them weirdly.

She laughs. "Just messing withcha, Y/N. Lol. What he said was," She immediately imitates him, hell, mocking him, "'Hm, I would say, fishing." I let out an oh. "And I said," She then went ahead and..imitated herself. "Just like our mom, huh?" I nod my head. "I see. So you like fishing. What's your favorite part about it?" I ask as he chuckles nervously. "Kyaje nyage?" I let a poker face play on my features. "He said, come again?" Fiona translated as she wore her fingerless gloves. "Oh um, can you tell him Fiona? Me not speaking the language so, uh, heh." I awkwardly laughed as Fiona laughs as well. She smiles. "Of course, for course."

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