Felix x Fandom Hopper! Reader - Part 2

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"Let me get this straight; you are the daughter of the li-te-ral creator and destroyer of universes? And you were made how?!" Felix asked as you all hung out in Bendy's garage, slamming a palm on the makeshift board behind him. You couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"My older brother-"

"Paperjam, right?!"

You stare at Felix concerned, before slowly nodding your head. "Y-yes. Paperjam. Anyways PJ was made because of their constant duels. And because they have made something together, they decided to put their differences aside and try to work things out. Which it did! And I," You grin quite proudly. "Was made through their love!"

Cuphead snickers, holding back a laugh. "Aren't we all?" He muttered before earning a slap from Boris. You glare at him. "Anyways yeah that's my tragic anime backstory." You shrug, leaning on the couch as Felix looked at you quite shocked.

"Oh boy," You heard Mugman mutter under his breath. "I know that look all too well."

You raise a brow, looking at Felix as they all left the garage one by one. "Okay what the actual fuc-"

And the next few minutes were the fastest few minutes of your life.

Felix bombarded you with questions, practically rendering you quiet as he did so. It was five minutes past that now, all of you sitting in the park for a picnic as Felix sat near you to ask questions and... Study you, as he said.

Excuse me but can someone call the police-

"So Y/N! How do monsters..." He chooses his words carefully, as to not offend anybody. "react... To certain things. Are they just like other species? I don't mean to sound rude but that's just the question." Felix quickly retorts, seemingly at a lost for words. "Or maybe a different question would be better, don't you think of course!" He was mumbling and sputtering, tripping over his words as you laugh.

"You're cute."

He stops, staring at you. "I, I beg your pardon?" His face was now red, flustered and embarrassed as you only chuckle. "I said you're cute." That made him even more flustered as he sputtered and tripped over his words even more. "You find joy in this?!" Cuphead asked with a concerned expression. You shrug. "Yeah?" He laughed, giving you a hi five. "My kind of people."

"Okay okay okay a different question what about reproduction? I mean, from what you have explained earlier; your parents made your brother through their..." He looks closely at the notebook he was carrying, using his glasses to make sure. "Battles. Their battles, yes! And you have also said that you were made through their love, which we can only assume is the... traditional," His face reddens even more at the subject. "Method. So this begs the question; how do monsters reproduce?"

You stare at him. That whole fucking paragraph, said with his adorable accent, said the quickest way possible as he looked like the stereotypical klutz trying to ask a normal question.

Was all too fucking cute.

You stare a few more moments... Him thinking this was all a bad idea. You finally laugh, pinching his cheeks. "Well then; let me explain. You see, us monsters have souls that take a form of hearts," You say, "And these are the main devices used in giving new life as it represents our own. Would you want to see mine?" You ask as they all eagerly nodded. You shrug, hovering a hand over your boney chest as you do a motion involving your hand pulling on something invisible. Your soul emerges from your chest, the glitching rainbow combination giving off a soft ethereal glow as everyone around your small circle stared in awe.

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