Playing House

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Hudson ran in, followed by baby Londyn in Leslie's arms, and Jon.

Hudson hugged me and I picked him up smiling, I caught Rob smiling at me.

"Congratulations you two!" Leslie said, "let me see the ring."

I held up my hand, "it's gorgeous" Leslie said.

"Look, we really have to get going" Jon said, "thank you so much for doing this."

"absolutely, I mean I need my baby snuggles" I said holding Londyn against my chest.

"Call us if you need anything" Leslie said.

"I'm sure we will be just fine" I said

They finally left, and I sat down on the couch, holding Londyn.

"Tonight, we're going to make cookies" I said talking to Hudson.

"Cookies" his eyes lit up. "Can we make cookies now?"

"No, we have to eat dinner first" I said.

"Maybe we should just order pizza for dinner" Rob said, sitting next to me on the couch.

"No, I already have chicken breasts thawing" I said

"I help with dinner?" Hudson asked.

"Of course you can help with dinner" I said.

Hudson sat on my lap for a minute, "we play trains?" Hudson asked.

"I've got to cook dinner in a few minutes bud" I said

"Why don't you let me take Hudson downstairs, and hand over London, and I'll keep them occupied while you cook" Rob said

I looked at him a little unsure, "can you bring the train set up here? and then you can watch them while I make dinner. It's in a tub in the storage area."

"Alright" Rob said getting up.

I got up, walking into the kitchen, getting out what I need.

"Where'd Rob go?" Hudson asked patting my leg

"He'll be right back up with your train" I said

Rob set the tub down, opening it, before walking into the kitchen.

"Alright, come on, hand over London, I want some baby snuggles too" Rob said

I looked at him with puppy dog eyes.

"Caroline, you can't cook while you hold a baby" Rob said, "although the look looks really good on you."

"I want a kiss first" I said

"You don't even have to ask" he said leaning in and kissing me softly.

Rob pulled away and looked down, "Robby come play with me, please" Hudson said sounding so sweet.

"I'll be right in" Rob said taking Londyn from me. He whispered in my ear, "your butt looks awful good in those leggings."

He walked into the living room, sitting on the floor with Hudson.

I smiled, he's being so patient.

After I put Londyn to bed, the three of us settled in for a movie, Hudson laying on the floor in his fort.

Rob leaned over kissing me, "I would call this a pretty successful night" he whispered.

"Very successful" I said resting my head on his shoulder.

"Robby, will you lay in my fort with me" Hudson said.

"Of course" Rob said moving to the ground.

When Hudson fell asleep, I turned off the movie. I realized Rob is asleep too.

I walked over, picking Hudson up. At this point Rob woke up, "I got him" Rob said starting to slowly move.

"He's not that heavy" I said heading for the stairs.

"Caroline" Rob said stopping me, "I've got him, you don't have to do everything."

Rob took Hudson from me, carrying him upstairs.

I started cleaning up, folding blankets, putting away toys. Rob walked back down, "I had a really fun night" Rob said wrapping his arms around me.

"It felt very normal" I said smiling up at him.

"Now, let me take care of the woman who, not only cooked dinner tonight, and made cookies, but also cleaned up dinner" Rob said.

"What do you have in mind?" I asked smiling.

"A glass of wine, and a foot rub" Rob said

"And we can keep talking right where we left off before the kids got here?"

"Absolutely" Rob said letting go of me and walking into the kitchen, I sat down on the couch.

"Rob, what about, and I know you go in thinking you'll never fall out of love, but what if we do? Like my parents did, and yours."

"Caroline, when that happens, we do this, we take the time to go out to lunch, we take the time to sit and have a glass of wine at night. Which is exactly why I'm saying no more than a week between when we see each other."

"And we promise we will always fight fair" I said closing my eyes, letting Rob get the knot out of my arch.

"Babe, we will always figure it out" Rob said, "because we care about each other, and we love each other."

Rob's hands started working on my calves. Dear lord, until I met him, I never realized they held this much tension. But when he kept going, I had to stop him. "Babe, believe me, if we didn't have babies upstairs, we would, but just not tonight, alright?"

"I understand" he said leaning in and kissing me, "come on, let's go to bed."

Getting into bed, I felt Rob pull me into him, and I couldn't help but smile.

"Rob, what about when we fight, because I can't do this continual bickering over the same things. It's not healthy"

"I think like you said before, we need to fight fair, and we also need to not leave a fight unresolved" Rob said "because that's why we bicker, we don't come to a solution, and then it happens again."

"I'm not tired, do you want to talk about sex tonight?" I asked rolling over.

"Not really, but I will" Rob said, "from what I understand and what I've read, for you it just seems like the longer it's been sense you last had sex, the harder it is for you to be aroused and want to have sex."

"Well, that's fair" I said, "and it's true, but how do we fix that. We both travel."

"And now you understand my no more than a week rule, because when we hit that one month mark and we get back together, it's really rough" Rob said, "it's stressful."

"You do know there's times when we will go longer between seeing each other, and we do have to have a plan of action" I said

"Caroline, here's my current plan of action, love you always" Rob said leaning in and kissing me.

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