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I snuggled into my bed, with Sam, Max, and Liz also in it. 

"This is so dysfunctional" I said with a laugh. 

"I almost forgot, Rob has a gift for you" Sam said walking into the other room and coming back with it. 

I looked at him confused, then opening the box. I pulled out a house key to his home in Boston, this is pretty much purely symbolic since I know the code to get in. But I smiled at it anyways. It's going to be our home now. Next I pulled out a baby onesie with the patriots logo on the front and a note attached, 

Caroline Grace,

I love you.

Yes I know you probably rolled your eyes at that baby onesie. But all I can think about is us starting a family together, I long for the day when I get to come home from work pick up our little baby and kiss you. 

I know that you saw the fertility doctor in Nashville, and wether the news is promising or not we will figure this out. We can always just be the fun aunt and uncle. 



Next I pulled out a photograph of what looks like his closet, there's writing on the back of the picture, 

That's right, I also started to buy you winter clothes for Boston, and I'm having a little too much fun buying you clothes online.

I smiled

I pulled out four tickets, to his game on December 30th, the note attached said, 

I want you Sam, Max, and Liz to come out to my game on the 30th, and then you all are going to fly back to spend New Year's at the lake. 

I pulled out a gift certificate for a massage, 

Please take care of yourself. Besides, you're going to be a little sore after we have some alone time together. 

"Alright, who knew about this?" I said with a laugh. 

"All I knew was that there were tickets in there for us all to go to the game on the 30th" Sam said, "what all else is in there?"

"A key to his house, a baby onesie, a picture of the full winter wardrobe I now have in Boston, and a gift certificate for a massage" I said

"Are you pregnant?" Max asked a look of shock on his face. 

"No, I'm not pregnant" I said with a laugh, but there's definitely a look of pain on my face. 

"Caroline, what's wrong?" Liz asked. 

"I went to the fertility doctor in Nashville" I said. 

"Why the heck were you at a fertility doctor? You're twenty-one. You won't have any problems getting pregnant" Sam said. 

"Well, I have endometriosis" I said trying to stay calm, "and basically, according to the doctor my chances of getting pregnant are very slim."

Sam wrapped me in a hug, "does Rob know?" Sam asked as tears started to roll down my face. 

"No, he just knows I went to the doctor to see exactly what was going on and make sure that if we wanted to start trying after we got married, we could" I said "he doesn't know the results."

"Then why is he sending you baby onesies?" Sam asked

"He just, wanted to let me know he's ready to start a family when I'm ready I guess, and the note said he can't wait to hear what my results were" I said with a laugh, "like he just knows they will be positive."

"You'll figure it out" Sam said. 

"Can we just go to bed?" I asked, "I'm not really ready to talk about this tonight."

"Yeah, of course" 

"Is that why you've always said you just wanted to be the fun aunt" Liz asked. 

"Yeah, and I still think I could be okay with that, but I don't think Rob really could" I said, and I guess that's a conversation we're going to have to have. 

"There's so many advancements that have been made, you'll be fine" Sam said, 

"I would be if cancer didn't run in our family" I said, "I'm not willing to risk that."

Boston (Book 2 Rob and Caroline)Where stories live. Discover now