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"Caroline, what's wrong?" Sam asked as I made the pumpkin pie.

"I just feel guilty that I left Rob alone on Thanksgiving with a broken wrist" I said.

"He has team dinner, and you know. He'll always have to work on Thanksgiving" Sam said.

"And that's what's really bothering me, knowing that I won't get to have a true Thanksgiving or Christmas with him till he retires from the NFL" I said. "It half way makes me mad."

"Well you need to talk to him about that" Sam said, "you'll find some sort of compromise."

"Yeah, I guess" I said.

"Listen, Rob's a good man, and he always strives to make you happy" Sam said, "I know you wish he was able to be here, but it will be okay."

"Sam, him breaking his arm on the field. It just, I can't deal with him constantly being hurt" I said, "I mean what if we do get married and ten years from now he can't remember what he has to get at the grocery."

Sam pulled me in for a hug, "Caroline, you're so strong, but I don't want you to have to be the strong one in that relationship. You need to talk to him."

"I mean what if down the road we did have kids, will he even be able to go outside and play with them?"

"You need to talk to him" Sam said. "Because if there's one thing I can say, it's that I've never seen you happier than when you are with him."

"Going up to that bedroom by myself at night, it sucks" I said starting on the mashed potatoes.

While we had a great day, and a great thanksgiving. I wish Rob was here. I sat around the bonfire, with a glass of wine and my family.

The dogs started barking, "Roxy, get back here" I yelled.

"There are some perks to playing on Thanksgiving day" Rob said

"Rob" I said shocked, I walked over and gave him a kiss. "How did you get here?"

"I'm here for the weekend, our next game is on the second, I got a different plane after the game, and decided I wanted to come see my baby" Rob said.

I turned around looking at Sam, "you let me go on and on this morning, and you knew he was coming, didn't you?" I asked

"Maybe" Sam said, "now go get him a plate of leftovers so you two can kiss in the kitchen instead of right in front of me."

"Fair enough" I said leading Rob inside, "how did you manage to pull this off?" I asked smiling from ear to ear.

"Well, I'm not much good right now," he said raising his hand. "And like I said my next game is December second."

"I'm just so glad you're here" I said kissing him again.

"I did not think you would be this excited to see me" he said with a laugh.

"Why not?" I asked getting a plate together for him.

He shrugged, "this is your family time."

"Rob, you can ask Sam, I wanted you here so so bad" I said, "I hated sleeping in that bed by myself last night, I hated waking up and eating breakfast without you. I wanted someone to kiss me good morning."

"I'm so happy to be here with you" Rob said leaning in and kissing me again.

"I love you" I said

"Come on let's head out to the fire" Rob said.

I was so content, sitting on him lap around the fire drinking a glass of wine.

"I've got to use the bathroom, I'll fill up your glass while I'm in there" he said, I stood up so he can get up and then sat back down.

I got sucked into a conversation with my mom and Tami. "Babe" I heard Rob say making me turn my head.

It felt like my heart stopped when I realized Rob is on one knee, with a box in his hands. "I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you in this lake house, surrounded by your crazy family" Rob said. "Will you marry me?"

It took me a moment to process, "yes," I said still shocked.

The ring was slid on my finger. Rob leaned in and kissed me, then holding me against him, "can we go inside and talk for a minute?" I whispered in his ear.

"Yeah babe," he said opening the door, we went inside. "I thought, that we were going to wait till football season was over to discuss this more" I said holding up my hand.

"I just couldn't wait any longer" Rob said leaning in to kiss me.

I placed a hand on his chest, "stop, we have to talk this over."

"Rob, where are we going to live?" I asked

"Football season in Boston, the rest of the year wherever you need to be" Rob said, "babe, we have time to figure out all the details."

I felt like I had to yell to burst his bubble and get his attention. "What if in ten years you can't walk from playing football?" I yelled, "what about then?"

"Caroline, that's not going to happen" Rob said putting his hand on mine.

"I'm just worked up because I wasn't expecting this" I said, "just hold me."

"I can do that" Rob said wrapping his strong arms around me, "do you need to rethink your yes?"

I looked up at him, "Babe, no, I said yes and I mean it, this just means that we have a lot to talk about tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay" Rob said kissing my forehead. "Should we go out and celebrate with your family now?"

"I want you to myself for just a few more minutes" I said resting my head on his chest.

After I let go Rob pulled a bottle of champagne out of the fridge, "come on let's go outside and celebrate."

"Just to clarify, you did say yes, right" Liz said as we walked out.

"Yes," I said "yes," I laughed, "just a little surprised since we said we would discuss getting engaged after football season ended."

"Here's to our first one grandchild getting married, to great-grandbabies, and what we know will be a very happy life for you both" Papa said.

"cheers" I said holding my glass in the air, after taking a sip I leaned in and kissed Rob again.

"You ready to go to bed" Rob asked noticing that I'm starting to fade.

"Yeah" I said.

"The water's on next door, if you two want to stay at your house" Sam said.

"Thanks, man" Rob said looking at me, "but I think well just stay here."

"Really?" I asked surprised.

"That's what you want, right?" Rob asked.

"Yes, but" I started.

"Well then that's what we're going to do" Rob said

"Rob, we really need to talk about this" I said getting into bed.

"Sure, whatever you need" Rob said

"Rob, where are we going to live when we get married?" I asked sitting up. "I mean I'm not ready to slow down with work."

"So here's the thing, during football season I'm in Boston, but other than that I can be with you, and during football season, you can still work and just spend your off time in Boston" Rob said. "We will make it work."

"And are you sure your okay with not having kids?" I asked.

"Caroline, I want you" Rob said, "kids would just be a bonus."

"Okay" I said letting out a deep breath, laying down in bed, "we still have a lot to figure out."

"We can figure that out later future Mrs. Gronkowski" Rob said pulling me in and kissing me.

"Rob, no sex with everyone in the house" I said.

"Okay" he said, "but we are cuddling."

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