Back behind the wheel

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Rob woke me up, kissing my neck.   "Good morning blondie" he whispered in my ear.

"What do you have today?" I asked.

"I'm going to drive myself up to the PT office to do my exercises, mainly to get myself out of your hair so that you can work."

"Rob that unnecessary"

"I'll get help and a better work out in there anyways, I'll bring dinner back with me, and then you and I are going on a boat ride."

"Does that work for you?" Rob asked

"Rob I'm having a really hard time finding a balance and not feeling like I run my life around yours" I said.

"What do you mean babe?"

"I don't know, I know it's just compromise and not a big deal, but thinking that just because you get home with dinner my work day stops. I get it, and it will, but I feel guilty that I let you take precedence. It's something I swore I would never do."

"Babe, it's just a new stage in your life. It's okay to turn off work at five pm."

"I know, and that's how I'm trying to view it"

"A more balanced stage, you couldn't work constantly forever."

"I know, but I feel like I'm losing my independence."

"Babe, it's just a new life stage" Rob said, "we're getting married, moving in, finding our normal balance together."

"I know, like I said there's nothing wrong with it.  It's just hard for me.  I hold myself to such a high standard." Snuggling into Rob I let out a content sigh, "I love this."

"So did anything I did last night feel particularly good?" Rob asked.

"Rob of course you rubbing my cl*t felt good, that's all you did, do we really need to dissect that right now?"

"Nothing felt bad did it?"


"Then we are good" Rob held me tight. "I'll miss you while you're in Nashville next week."

"Rob it's three days" I said, "I have to okay the bus and write the final check.  And then I need to get some song writing done."

"Babe, I am not mad at you, I was just saying I'll miss you.  Going to Nashville and having sometime to yourself will be good for you."

"The next week is the Fourth of July, are you going to be as fantastic as you were this past weekend?"

"Of course babe" Rob said, "but it's ten days, not the normal three. So just be aware of that, I do want some alone time with you."

"Can the babies still sleep in our bed?" I asked smiling at him.

"The babies can still sleep in our bed" Rob leaned in kissing me.  "But, I want to get a location nailed down for our wedding, you need to make up your mind."

"It really comes down to how many people you want to invite babe" I said looking at him try to gage a reaction.  "Do we just do family and do a big reception at a later date? Because if that's the case, I think we either do a destination wedding where we met in the keys, or here.  And if you want to do the whole big shabang, then we need to do it in Cincinnati or Boston."

"Small wedding, big party sounds just about our style babe." Rob said kissing my neck.

"So the lake or key west?"

"Are you okay with doing Key West?" Rob asked, "like really okay with it? You don't want to do the Bahamas or something more like that?"

"Can I think on it?" I said wrinkling my nose. "Let's get up and get coffee."  I got out of bed, throwing on a pair of shorts.

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