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I panicked as Rob was walked off the field. He's walking, so that's good, but I have to go down there. "Goon, I have to get down there" I said with pleading eyes standing up in the stands.

"Okay" he said, I'm sure him and Rob had talked about this, the fact that if Rob was injured on the field they didn't really know how I would react.

"Hey, it's the middle of the game. You two can't be in the locker room" the security guard said.

"I'm going to be in that locker room" I said, "Rob's in there, and I want to know that he's okay." I walked passed them, walking through the stink and into the injury area.

"Babe, what are you doing here? I'm fine" Rob said.

"You walked off the field. Clearly you aren't fine" I said

"It's a broken forearm, we will do surgery on it on Monday" the doctor said.

"See babe, I'm fine" Rob said, a smile on his face.

"Can we just go home?" I asked as they finished wrapping his arm.

"I want to wait till the guys come in at the end of the game" Rob said, "I'm gonna be fine, okay?"

"Okay" I said letting out a deep breath. I pecked him on the lips, "I love you."

Rob and I drove home, "babe, I just broke my forearm, I'm fine" Rob said kissing my neck. "We won the game."

"You were up thirty-five points, why were you even in the game?" I asked. "Rob, do you know how much I worry when you're out there?"

"I know babe, but I'm fine. I'll have surgery Monday, it's not a big deal."

We walked into the house, "what do you want for dinner?" I asked opening the fridge.

"Whatever you make will be great" Rob said sitting down in a chair watching me.

I called Sam, "Hey, what's up. I was watching the game, is Rob okay?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, he's fine. He broke his forearm, and he's having surgery on Monday. Can you reschedule my week?" I asked, "I just don't have time to move everything around right now."

"Yeah, keep me up to date" Sam said, "I'll deal with it all right now."

"Bye, thanks" I said and hung up.

"Babe, it's a broken forearm" Rob said wrapping his arms around me in a hug. "It's all going to be okay."

"You scared the shit out of me" I said looking up at him.

"I know, I'm sorry" Rob said, holding me tight. "But I'm okay, you don't need to take off the whole week for me."

"I want to" I said, "what can I do?"

"You can kiss me" Rob said, his hand landing on my butt.

"Oh yeah, I can do that" I said leaning in and kissing him. His hands went to pick me up, "Shit" He said letting go of me.

"Rob" I said, "are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine babe" Rob said. "Let's just go sit down."

"You promise you're good?" I asked.

"Caroline, I've had back surgery, a broken forearm isn't going to keep me down" Rob said.

"But now I can't stroke your forearm, and I know that turns you on" I said with a laugh jokingly.

"Watching you walk around turns me on" Rob said.

"Alright, well you just sit your butt on the counter and I'll finish making dinner" I said, "you let me know if you need anything."

"Babe, I think I just need another kiss" Rob said.

"Is that what the doctor ordered" I said with a laugh walking over. Kissing him.

"I think the doctor ordered some sleep with my girl laying next to me. Can we go ahead and eat and then go to bed" Rob said.

"Yeah, babe" I said, "whatever you want. Just give me some time to finish up."

"You're so beautiful" he said, and when I turned around to look at him he's staring at me.

"I love you" I said before turning back to the food.

I walked into Rob's bedroom and Rob is laying in bed, "What are you going to want to eat after surgery tomorrow?" I asked as Rob moved in, laying his head on my boobs.

"Caroline, all I'm going to want is to be able to lay here with you" Rob said. I ran a hand through his hair.

Rob dosed off. My phone vibrated, "hey Diane" I said answering it.

"Hey, how is he?" Diane asked.

"He's okay, they're going to do surgery tomorrow" I said, "he's sleeping now."

"Should I fly in, or are you going to be there" Diane asked.

"I took off the week" I said, "it's all going to be okay, he's completely asleep."

"Thank you for being there for him" Diane said.

"Of course, I can't imagine being anywhere else" I said.

"Keep me in the loop please" Diane said, "if you need anything. I'm here."

"Of course" I said.

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