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"Hey babe" I felt the bed dip next to me, it's Tuesday morning and Rob is back.

He wrapped his arms around me, "don't worry, you don't have to wake up."

"I'm sorry I don't have breakfast made, I just was too tired" I mumbled.

"That's okay" Rob said, "you know this is what I'd rather get anyways."

"Shhh" I said, burying my face in his chest, "I didn't get home till two last night."

"Alright" he said rubbing my back.

"How was your mom?"

"She was good," He kissed my neck, "you just sleep." The feeling of his lips against my neck felt good and I put a leg over him before drifting off again.

As my alarm went off I hopped up, "Caroline, it's 7 in the morning, can't you go in late" Rob said looking at me as I change.

"No, I have lots to do" I said heading into the bathroom.

"We have five days to make up for" Rob said, honestly looking pretty hungover "I was hoping that we would hang out today." He sat on the edge of the bathtub watching me get ready.

"We can when I get home from work," I said, "I have to work, it's a Tuesday. Besides, I'm guessing you went out last night. You need some sleep you don't exactly look fresh right now."

I turned around and stood in front of him, placing my hands on his shoulders "I'm glad you're back, we can hang out tonight."

He pulled me in kissing me.

"I've got to get out of here" I said pulling away.

"Can I stop by with lunch?" Rob asked as I pulled together my purse.

I took a deep breath, "why don't you stop by around two, and bring Roxy, and we'll take a walk and catch up?"

"See you then" Rob said, I can tell this morning didn't go exactly as he wanted it to.

I walked out to my car.

"I come bearing lunch and a dog" Rob said as the door swung open. Roxy came over to me wagging her tail.

"And that means it's time for a break" Scott said getting up.

"How was your morning?" He asked coming over and really really laying one on me.

"What was the for?" I asked with a laugh.

"I just really missed you being away this weekend" Rob said, resting his hand on my thigh.

"Uh huh" I said pushing his hand off, "we are still in my place of work."

"Caroline, please relax a little, you're so on edge" Rob said, leaning over and nibbling on my neck.

"Rob, please, just not now" I said, smiling at him, "tonight we can, but just you know not now, I'm in work mode."

"Caroline, think of it this way, I'm just so attracted to you that I can't keep my hands off" Rob said, "I don't want us to ever lose that."

"Rob I don't want that either, but I'm in work mode and you came into my work. It's going to have to wait till tonight." I held his hand, watching his face kinda start to fall, "and now you're mad at me."

"Caroline, I'm not mad at you. It's just frustrating that I leave for a few days and you're all stressed out."

"Rob, I was working on getting ahead on work so that we can take off this weekend and go see my family" I said, "and right now, I'm just you know focused on work and it takes me some time to get back into a routine of you being here."

"So you're going to get home late tonight too aren't you?" Rob asked running a hand through his hair.

"Yes, but I'm only working a half day on Thursday, so that we can fly out and go to Cincinnati" I said.

"Great so we can be here and be high stress no sex for three days, and then go to Cincinnati and be on edge no sex for four days. Yay!" Rob said sarcastically.

"Rob, I can't do it all" I said getting more upset.

"Babe, that's not what I'm saying, but maybe you need to stop trying to do it all"

"Rob, this is how I worked before. Everything isn't going to change just because you are here, if you can't deal with it. Then we'll have to go back to just visits and you can't live here."

"Babe, this is entirely not healthy. Someone should always be here" Rob said, "I blame myself for leaving this weekend, because this," he pointed a me, "just isn't okay."

"Rob, this isn't something bad, and it isn't your fault" I said, "I'm just really in work mode."

"I'd still like to be able to have access to my girlfriend" Rob said.

"You'll have full access to her tonight, I promise." I leaned over kissing him.

"So you'll be home early?" Rob asked.

"No, but I promise when I get in the focus will be on you" I said, "phones in a drawer. We will catch up."

"Okay" he said, his eyes looking tired.

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