Chapter 1 - Cutie

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I was sitting on my couch at the beginning of this June month. Summer had just started and my new roommate was supposed to move in in less than a week. I had never met her. I didn't know anything about her, only her name: Taylor Lawson.

My rules were simple: no alcohol, no drugs and no questions. As long as she respected that, everything would run smoothly. I’d been living here by myself since I arrived in Los Angeles and I thought that it would be smart and wise to have a roommate.

First, it would help with the rent. I had zero income and my mother's funds wouldn't cover me forever. Second, I had a useless spare room. Third, maybe this could help me open up a bit. But let’s be realistic, only the first two reasons were valid. I would need a miracle to finally put my trust into someone.

Since it was Sunday afternoon and I was bored, I decided to make something productive by cleaning the apartment. And when I did that, there was only one way possible: in my underwear, with very loud music and of course a terrific singing. I started with the kitchen, doing all the dishes and cleaning the counter. After that, I did a load of laundry and went on with vacuuming. This part was my favorite because I would sing super loud to cover for the noise of the vacuum and I always danced around with my little dust blower thingy following me.

I was singing at the top of my lungs to Shut up and dance with me but abruptly stopped when I heard that the music wasn’t playing anymore.

Right before turning around, I heard a feminine laugh that sounded a lot more harmonious than the song I had been listening to. This laugh was pure magic. I turned around quickly and came face to face with a gorgeous girl. Her brown hair fell down over her shoulders and her ocean blue eyes were shining from all the laughing.

I looked at her for a while and noticed that her eyes were taking me in from head to toes. Her head was slightly tilted to the right and she was grinning. When our eyes met, I instantly felt embarrassed and uncomfortable. I was standing half naked in front of a very beautiful stranger who had just caught me dancing and singing like a crazy ass woman. Then a question popped in my mind and rolled out of my mouth before I even took the time to process everything.

“Who the hell are you and what are you doing in my apartment?”, I asked with a little bit of attitude.

“Quit the act princess, I’m not intimidated. And if I’m gonna have to live with you for the rest of this school year you’d better start being nice to me”, she said folding her arms and smirking at me proudly.

“Oh my god! You’re Taylor?”, I don’t know if I felt ashamed for being a bitch at first or if I was excited to be living with such a good looking person.

She certainly was taken but a girl could hope, right? Plus, there was harm done in watching. Which was exactly what I was doing. She was wearing some light jean shorts with a white sleeveless blouse and silver sandals. So simple but complementing her body very well. I was pretty sure she would look nice in a garbage bag. My thoughts were interrupted by Taylor’s voice.

“Well yeah, I don’t barge into random houses and watch sexy dance cleaning routines for a living”, she giggled and kept on staring at my exposed body.

“Hum.. Okay.. Sorry. I’m Ashley by the way. I’m really glad you’re here”, I said with a big smile plastered on my face to convey some enthusiasm.

“The pleasure is all mine”, her eyes were still examining my body with her cute grin still plastered on her angelic face.

But after a few seconds, I saw her eyes lingering around my breasts, more specifically my left one. Suddenly, I felt nauseous just thinking that someone this beautiful had to endure this kind of view, and that someone was actually seeing my disgusting body. Finally, her eyes met mine and I didn’t know how to interpret what I was seeing in them. I didn’t know if they were full of fear, if they were worried, or just pitiful. This nauseous feeling was making itself more prominent and the fear of being exposed as my true self was at its highest.

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