Chapter 45 - The night is still young

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"Linda, I'll be there in five minutes so can you please open the gate for me?", I asked loudly to make sure she heard me. I was using the hands-free system of the car for the first time and I didn't know if it worked.

"Right away. Your suitcase and the gifts are in the foyer, your dress and shoes are on your bed, and your lunch is ready."

"You're a pure angel, Linda", I said seriously and she laughed lightly, making me chuckle.

"I'll see you in a bit", she said kindly.

"Yeah, I'll be right there", I said and hung up to call Taylor real quick.

I preferred calling her right now. I'd finished my test early so it would give me a few minutes to talk to her and make sure she wouldn't suspecting anything. I wouldn't wish her a happy birthday on purpose. She was gonna be sad and very grumpy but it would be worth it. It rang for a while, longer than usual, but she finally answered.

"Hey baby", she greeted sweetly.

"Hi, did you sleep well?", I asked and smiled brightly even though she couldn't see me.

"I sleep better now that you call me at night", she confessed.

"That's great, we can keep on doing that if it helps you", I offered and bit my lip to prevent myself from laughing.

"You don't mind?", she asked timidly.

"Not at all, it gives me a chance to see your cute sleeping face", I said chuckling.

"Aww you're too sweet. How did your test go?"

"Very well, I finished early again", I said proudly.

"I'm glad your hard work is paying. You keep on like this, okay?", she said with her cute voice.

"I will."

"Amazing. What are you doing?", she asked softly.

"I'm the car right now, I'm almost home. I'll hang out with Linda while she prepares our lunch and then I'll go study in the office, I guess."

"Did you manage to connect your phone like I told you?", she asked. I could see her happy face from here.

"Yes I did! It works well, right? You can hear me good?", I asked excitedly as I passed the gate.

"I hear you perfect", she said chuckling.

"This is so great. What's your program for today? You're going to the beach again?"

"All the girls are going shopping and the men are going to the casino, including Jordy", she explained excitedly and it warmed my heart to know she was enjoying her time there.

"This is nice! Well, have a good day and I'll call you tonight, okay?"

"Okay baby, I love you", she said in a small voice.

"I love you more", I said and hung up right away to shorten my possibilities of making a blunder.

I parked the car and quickly got out to put the key away. I entered the house more excited than ever. I went to the foyer to check my suitcase and the mountain of gifts I'd gotten Taylor. I'd initially said I wouldn't do that but the more I'd look around, the more I'd find things that she'd like so I went for it. I squealed at the sight of the engraved box and lifted the lid to take a look at the flowers. Beautiful. My phone went off so I took it out and saw a text from Jen.

Jen - You could have at least wished her a happy birthday. She's inconsolable!

Me - It will be worth it, right?

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