Chapter 22 - Virgin tonic

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This house was a fucking palace. It was at least twice as big as Taylor's and so beautiful that you wouldn't dare touch anything by fear of leaving a print or breaking something. We arrived before the guests because Jen wanted her two daughters to welcome them since their father would arrive later. I looked at the table and saw that it was dressed for twenty five. Guess I'd have to gentrify all night long.

I was on the terrace with Taylor, Johanna and Jen - and Nugget - while the caterer's team finished the pre-dinner buffet. I was on a couch next to Taylor while Jen and Johanna sat on the couch in front of us. They were so pretty.

"So, girls! Tell us about your trip!", Jen exclaimed while sipping on her cocktail.

"It was fabulous, Mom", Taylor said excitedly and looked at me grinning.

"The room looked amazing on the pictures", she said smiling.

"Your mother has arrived, Madam", a deep masculine voice called from behind us.

"Thanks Arthur. Can you tell her to join us here?", Jen requested.

"Right away", Arthur said and Jen turned her attention back to us smiling.

"We got you souvenirs", Taylor said and reached for the bag in her purse. She handed it to Johanna so she could open it.

"It's nice", she commented as she unfolded the soccer jersey. Then she checked the magnets and gave them to her mother.

"It's really sweet girls, thank you so much", Jen said while scrutinizing the magnets.

"Nana!", Johanna yelled excitedly and bolted out. I followed her with my eyes and saw an elderly woman hugging Johanna tenderly. She looked absolutely stunning.

"Psst. Ashley", Jen hissed. I spun around and looked at her with raised eyebrows. "Be patient with my mother, she can be a handful sometimes", she whispered discreetly.

"Mom!", Taylor scolded and put a hand on my shoulder so I looked at her confused. "Don't worry babe, she's not that bad", she said softly.

"Jennifer, honey!", her grandmother called from behind us. Jen stood up and hugged her tightly.

"Thank you for coming, Mother", Jen said before pulling away and turning back to us.

"I wouldn't miss a family gathering for the world", she said while looking around the table. She literally froze when she spotted me. She was studying me, unmoving, so I took action.

"Good evening", I said enthusiastically and got up. "I'm Ashley", I extended my hand, smiling.

"Elizabeth", she said as she shook my hand, "It's a pleasure to finally meet you Ashley."

"Likewise", I said and smiled at Johanna who was glued to her grandmother's hip.

Elizabeth turned to her daughter so I sat back next to Taylor and put my hand on her thigh. She looked at me with this intense gaze and I couldn't help but smile brightly. She dropped a lingering kiss on my cheek and I closed my eyes, grinning. Those damn butterflies. She pulled away and stood up to greet her grandmother. Jen and Johanna regained their spots and Nugget came to see me.

"Hi bud", I whispered and picked him up to lay him next to me on the couch.

"Oh hell no", I heard Taylor snicker.

I looked up to see her standing in front of me with a frown on her face. She picked up the dog and gave him to Johanna before sitting down next to me. She put her legs over mine and wrapped her arms around my shoulders casually. I placed one hand on her back, the other on her knee and watched Elizabeth as she sat down on an easy chair next to Jen.

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