Chapter 10 - Strip Ash

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A few days later, Taylor got home with the brightest smile on her face. She showed me that she had bought a phone case and a computer case that matched mine. Hers were white with navy blue strips and my initials in gold. It was really cute. She told me that she had wanted to use BH at first but that she eventually decided to play it safe by putting AR.

This made me think about how Taylor was so understanding of my situation. However, I wanted to make sure that everything was set before we got back to the real world. Therefore I decided to invent a game that I thought she'd like. While she was busy in the kitchen, I put clothes on and brought my question box to the living room. When I joined her in the kitchen, I saw that she had prepared a pre-dinner tray with drinks and appetizers. It looked delicious.

"You want me to take that to the couch?", I asked, startling her a little. She smiled when she saw me.

"Yes please", I nodded and carried everything to the coffee table.

She was right behind me so we sat face to face and clinked glasses to us. The drink was non alcoholic but really good and fruity. She'd have to give me the recipe.

I put the glass down and turned serious, wanting this game to be productive. She needed to become the master of my double identity.

"Are you up for a game?", I asked teasingly. As expected, she grew excited immediately.

"What's the game about?"

"My double me", I said chuckling and she nodding me to continue. "You know I trust you right?", I asked softly and grabbed her hand.

"I know Ash don't worry, now spill the rules", she was growing impatient. I smiled at her childish side before explaining the game.

"Alright, you know that I am Ash and Brooke but I know that it can be really confusing for you sometimes since I'm just myself around you. So we are going to play Strip Ash", I said seriously while I reached for the box that held all the questions. I set it on the table and Taylor looked at it attentively. "In this box are all the questions that people might ask you about me. There are even questions about Brooke to make it easier for you. If you answer the question correctly, you'll get to either kiss me or take one piece of clothes off of me. Your choice. But if you don't, then I put a piece back on. Understood?"

Taylor was looking at me and biting her bottom lip.

"Oh I'm gonna love this game", she said huskily while she scanned my body.

"Let the show begin then", I clapped my hands. Taylor laughed and leaned in to kiss me but I stopped her. She sighed and took a paper out of the box.

"What is Brooklyn's favorite color?", she read before smiling and looking up at me. "Easy, it's navy blue", she said chuckling and grabbed my neck before smashing her lips against mine. She pulled away grinning and put the unfolded paper on the table before taking another one.

"When is Ashley's birthday?", it made her chuckle. "April 18", she said confidently while she grabbed the hem of my hoodie. I grabbed her hand and stopped her.

"Wrong answer. April 18 is Brooke's birthday", I said wiggling my eyebrows teasingly. She pouted and took her hand back.

"What's the correct answer?"

"October 5", I said and grabbed a cherry tomato. She gasped loudly.

"It's coming really soon! I'll have to hurry to find your gift", I swallowed while shaking my head.

"No Taylor, you already got me enough gifts", I stated firmly. She pouted and folded her arms. I reached for the box and took a paper to ask her the next question. "Where was Ashley born and why did she move to Los Angeles?", I read chuckling. Her eyes widened and her mouth hung open.

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