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Hello, dear readers! ♡

First of all, a massive thank you for reading this story and reacting to the chapters. It truly means the world to witness this book reaching so many people.

Now I'd like to get closer to my readers and interact with you all.

You will find a list of questions below that might initiate conversations between us, but also between you readers.

○ Who's your favorite and least favorite character and why? Is there a specific trait of their personality that makes them stand out?

○ What's your favorite chapter or passage of the book?

○ According to you, did Ashley make the right decision? Do you believe that she should've gone back to being Brooklyn in order to reestablish the truth or are you satisfied with the outcome of the plot?

○ In your opinion, what character should have been given more space? Do you feel like a character has been left in the background and deserved more attention? If so, why and what would you have liked to discover about them?

○ Do you envision a future for these characters? If there were to be a sequel, what directions would you like them to take?

If you have any other question or comment to make, please feel free to do so here or at any point of the book. I'm always happy to read you, learn from you, and bring some clarity when things are confusing.

Looking forward to exchanging with you guys! ♡


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