Chapter 56 - Titanic

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Taylor and I had taken off half an hour ago and she was irritated because I'd categorically refused that we ate breakfast. I had a surprise planned for us in Portland but she wasn't aware of it.

We got comfortable on the couch with her properly sitting down and me lying down with my legs over her lap. Taylor was quiet. She was resting her arms on my legs as she went through her iPad. She wasn't talking to me. I, on the other hand, was in a very playful mood and I wanted her attention. I wanted to mess with her and laugh with her.

"Tay, do you have a band aid?", I asked in a soft voice.

"Did you hurt yourself? I didn't see you", she said worriedly and threw her iPad on the couch to inspect me.

"I think I scraped my knee falling for you", I said in a fake hurting tone and snickered when I saw her starting to pull my jeans up. She stopped and looked at me with her perfectly shaped eyebrow raised up.

"I thought your legs were really screwed, you know", she said amusedly and fixed my jeans.

"My legs are good. How are yours though?", I asked in a worried tone, wanting to push the game further.

"I don't know what I'm supposed to answer to that, Ashley", she said shaking her head in confusion.

"I mean, are they okay? I thought they'd hurt", I added with a little frown.

"And why is that?", she asked in curiosity.

"Because you've been running through my dreams all night long", I answered in a duh tone.

Iburst out laughing when she sighed irritatingly and grabbed her iPad to focus back on it. She left one hand on my thigh though. She was slightly furrowing her brows and her nose was scrunched in annoyance. I was gonna have a blast on this journey.

"Your hand looks really heavy, baby. Let me hold it for you", I said in my sweetest voice and slid my hand under hers to link our fingers.

"You're draining", she stated blankly and giggled as her thumb gently stroked my knuckles. I grinned in mini victory and lifted my body up to be right next to her face.

"Babe, can I borrow you a kiss?", I asked softly and smiled brighter when her lost eyes met mine.

"Excuse me?", she asked, raising her eyebrow.

"I promise I'll give it back", I said chuckling and bit my lower lip in anticipation.

She shook her head in disbelief but leaned forward and lay her soft lips on mine, making my butterflies fly out of their little cage. I loved when she was being so delicate. When she pulled away, I stuck to my promise and brought our lips back together to give her the kiss back. That was the deal.

"Can I tell you a secret?", I asked in a whisper.

"Of course, baby", she said softly and smiled brightly, probably expecting a deep confession. Not this time.

"I can hold my whole world just with my two hands", I said in a proud tone and saw a flash of disappointment cross her eyes.

"Really?", she asked skeptically.

I nodded enthusiastically and carefully cupped her cheeks, waiting for her reaction. Judging by her crooked smile and the way she rolled her eyes, she'd understood the joke.

"I'm not gonna say anything", she mumbled and looked down as a little blush creeped on her pretty face.

"Come on, this one was nice", I said chuckling amusedly.

"Move, I gotta pee", she said and looked at me with her serious gaze.

She really needed to pee. And I really wanted to mess with her. So I smirked and brought my hands to her sides to start tickling her sides. Taylor squealed and put her hands on top of mine to try and stop me, but she was laughing so hard that it was preventing her from doing anything.

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