Chapter 57 - Top quality deckchair

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Alexandra Divetto

"Can I help you at least?", Taylor asked in a whiny tone.

"It's your birthday picnic baby, you're not supposed to do anything", I said chuckling and brought a piece of ham to her mouth for her to eat.

"But I feel useless", she retorted and hopped on the counter right next to me.

"You're not useless, you're bringing joy and happiness to my little butterflies", I said in my sweetest voice and pecked her cheek before wrapping the last sandwich.

"Your little butterflies?", she asked raising her eyebrows surprisingly and flashed me her biggest grin.

"Yeah. That's how I call it", I confessed sheepishly and spun around to put the sandwiches away in the picnic basket.

"That's how you call what?", she asked in her teasing tone so I spun back around and looked at her as I tried to find the right words.

"You know, that whole feeling with the volcano and the fireworks and everything", I said while doing a weird motion around my chest and stomach.

"You're fascinating", she stated and looked at me with her intense expression.

"I hope my explanation satisfies you", I blurted out and turned around to focus on the elaboration of the picnic. And also to avoid feeling like jello right before going out. She was intimidating sometimes.

"I have them too, you know", she said softly and it instantly brought a huge smile on my face. My heart and chest literally warmed at the confession.

I remained quiet after that. I was clinging to those words as if they were the most precious thing I had. Taylor had butterflies too. Butterflies just like my own that woke up and flew around thanks to me. It was amazing. Our love felt so strong.

Taylor still helped me clean the kitchen and checked that we had everything before we left. She insisted on carrying the picnic basket and held my hand during the whole drive to the park. She wouldn't stop rambling, it was adorable. We found a nice spot by the lake and Taylor took care of organizing the tablecloth as she wished.

"You can't imagine how excited I feel right now", Taylor said chuckling as she took everything out.

"And we haven't been here for half a day", I precised to see if she'd get the hint that many more things were coming.

"I trust that your amazing creativity will bring us to memorable places", she said in a playful professional tone and handed me the flutes before grabbing the bottle of champagne.

"I'll try my best", I assured her and giggled when the cork flew out with a pop sound. It disappeared in the grass somewhere.

"You know that once it's open we need to drink it all, right?", she asked teasingly as she filled the flutes.

"Babe, I'm driving", I informed her even though she knew it already.

"Too bad for you", she said shrugging and set in the basket, making sure it wouldn't fall.

"You may make the toast", I said as I handed her a flute.

"Thank you, milady. I would like this toast to be about you, for braving all fears and for being my beautiful warrior", she said very seriously and clinked our glasses, leaving no room for modification.

"I love you, Taylor", I said above a whisper.

We were forced to drink the whole flute before we started eating because they wouldn't stand still on the grass. Taylor didn't complain about that, at the contrary. She wanted to start with the crudites so we did as her wish commanded and she was very glad to eat her little carrots. No, we didn't have a carrot fight.

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