Chapter 20 - Love bite

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Taylor's idea to visit the other town was brilliant. I adored it so much. I didn't get to notice when we went there the first time but it was really well located. The town was tiny hence not crowded at all. It was so relaxing and beautiful. I wondered how such a great restaurant like the one we'd been to could run in this small town.

We'd skipped breakfast this morning - well she had, I'd had mine - so Taylor offered to go back to the same restaurant. Again, brilliant idea. The same waitress welcomed us warmly and placed us at the same table as Thursday night.

"You still want to eat everything?", she asked smiling. I laughed, knowing that Taylor wouldn't for sure since she had gotten sick last time. Judging by her face, I was right.

"I think we'll take the same appetizers as last time. I don't recall the name, I'm sorry", I said grimacing.

"Empanadillas", she said nodding.

"Tay, what do you want? The fish cakes?", I asked smiling.

"Oh, yes!", she exclaimed grinning excitedly. She was still very fond of them apparently.

"You want champagne again?", the waitress asked nicely.

"Not for me, but I don't know about you", Taylor said looking at me shrugging.

"I'll stick with sparkling water, thanks though", I said, smiling at her lovingly.

"I will be back shortly with the order", the waitress said politely before leaving us.

I put my elbow on the table and leaned against my hand to look at Taylor. I couldn't get enough of her beauty.

"Will you please stop staring at me?", she asked softly.

"I'm not staring, I'm admiring", I said with a grin. She smiled and shook her head softly before grabbing her sunglasses from the top of her head and putting them on. "Tay, what are you doing?", I asked, disappointment clear in my voice.

"I'm protecting my eyes from this burning sun and you should do the same", she said seriously while pointing at my own sunglasses on the table.

"You know I need your eyes though", I whined.

"My eyes aren't going anywhere, Ashley", she said chuckling. I sighed and put my own sunglasses on, knowing beforehand that arguing with her about this would be useless and ridiculous. "I really need to buy you a new pair, babe", she said while shaking her head in disapproval.

"No, you don't", I retorted. She needed to stop buying me things.

"They're all scratched and the glasses are pure shit. Where did you get them?", she asked horrified.

"I stole them", I muttered folding my arms.

"From what store?"

"I don't even remember", I said shrugging.

"We really need to do something about this though", she stated.

"No, Tay, you're not buying me sunglasses", I said firmly.

"Why don't you take a pair of mine?", she offered smiling. I sighed and unfolded my arms to grab the armrests.

"You never stop, do you?", I asked chuckling.

"Not when it comes to you", she said, doing her signature move.

"You're unbelievable", I mumbled while shaking my head.

The waitress came back with the food. Taylor asked her about the recipe book since she'd forgotten to do it last time. The waitress gave us the name of a bookstore nearby but she didn't know if they'd have what we were looking for. Nothing ventured nothing gained, right? It wouldn't cost anything to take a look there. If we couldn't find anything we still had Amazon.

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