Chapter 63 - My poor Brooklyn

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"Ash", Taylor's voice called from afar. I groaned and nuzzled into my pillow to embrace the few seconds of sleep I had left. "Baby", she sang and her voice sounded closer already.

"Is it urgent?", I asked against my pillow. It muffled the sound but I knew she'd get it.

"A little. I might have to pee on your face if you don't free me", she said chuckling but I didn't understand anything.

"Why would you pee on my face?", I asked a bit louder, my raspy morning voice making itself known.

"I don't know. Maybe because it's plunged in my vagina", she said in a playful tone.

I opened my eyes in shock and was indeed welcomed by Taylor's vagina standing proud in front of me. So that was my pillow. On the other hand, waking up to this view was pretty nice if you asked me. As a polite and educated woman, I took action and moved forward to kiss it good morning.

"No no no no no no no. No! I need to use the bathroom", Taylor whimpered and pushed my head down a little but it just aligned me with her folds. Hi friends. I stuck my tongue out and licked them up but Taylor shrieked and jolted up to back away from me.

"Are you serious right now?", I asked as I raised my head to look at her for the first time this morning.

"Give me two minutes and you'll lick me all you want", she blurted out and quickly got out of bed to run to the bathroom.

I snorted amusedly and slid up to regain a normal position at the head of the bed. I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and was surprised to see that it was way earlier than the time we were meant to wake up. I shrugged it off and checked my texts.

Lisa - You said you'd text me but you haven't
Lisa - Please tell me your plane didn't crash and you're not double dead

Me - My plane didn't crash and I'm not double dead

Alexandra D. - How did the flight go?

Me - Amazing. It feels nice to be back home. Is everything going well for you?

Alicia - Have you made it home okay last night? Johanna is still sick so I forgot to call you

Me - It's all good. We can drop by this afternoon if you want

"May I have your attention, please?", Taylor asked as she approached the bed.

"You always have my attention", I croaked and put the phone down to focus exclusively on her. I held the cover open to let her get in bed with me.

"I have a surprise for you. What do you want to do first? See it or cuddle?", she asked excitedly.

"You have a surprise for me?", I asked in shock but smiled so brightly that my teeth could have lightened the whole city.

"Yes but you have to deserve it", she said teasingly.

"With doing what?", I asked chuckling.

"Be inventive", she said shrugging and giggled in amusement in front of my thinking face.

I needed to deserve my surprise so I had to think of something that would make her cave in. For that reason, I decided to seduce her. Simple, it worked all the time, and I really wanted to kiss her so I'd kill two birds with one stone. It worked well. Very well even. She didn't want us to spend our whole morning in bed so we didn't go further than making out. She literally carried me to the shower to make me move faster. She was so excited to show me my surprise that she couldn't wait until I'd finished flicking Lisa off over text. She said it wasn't our priority.

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