Chapter 44 - I can't sleep

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"Wait! I forgot something!", Taylor exclaimed in panic and ran to the closet. I followed her to see what she was doing. She grabbed my cheerleading hoodie from my pile and opened the drawer just below. She took out my perfume and spread the hoodie.

My heart stung at the sight of that. It was going to be hard to be away from each other for more than a week. We'd never been away from each other. Taylor wasn't at peace to know that I'd be all alone, and I felt very guilty for not being able to come with her and for missing her birthday. I had tried to rearrange my schedule with Mrs Hilton but so far we couldn't find a solution to move my tests forward. I had my first exam this morning so I couldn't even spend the weekend in Florida. That sucked.

Taylor folded the hoodie meticulously and brought it to her face to smell it. She put the bottle away with a satisfied expression and spun around to face me as she held the sweatshirt tightly against her. I opened my arms pouting to hint that I wanted to hug her. She hurried her way towards me and engulfed me in a tight embrace. I nestled against her neck and breathed her in, knowing I wouldn't get to do that for a while. A knock on the door pulled us away from each other. It was Linda, who informed that the limo had arrived.

"Put the hoodie away and I'll help you with your suitcases", I said softly and kissed her cheek.

"I can ask the chauffeur you know", she said chuckling as she put the hoodie in the biggest suitcase.

"But I wanna help you", I mumbled and bent over to lift it.

"Babe, this one is too heavy for you", she said sweetly but I sighed frustratingly.

"Then I take the two little ones", I said sternly and did just that while Taylor took care of the big one.

"Are you gonna be okay in the stairs?", she asked worriedly.

"I don't need breaks anymore so I can carry your bags at the same time, right?"

"We'll try", she said nodding and pecked my lips gently.

The journey down the stairs went well. I took it slowly and I didn't have any problem. Taylor was very proud which earned me a kiss. Linda opened the front door for us and the chauffeur was already waiting on the porch to carry the luggage to the car. Everybody got out to come greet me, even Nugget. Alicia was so sad that I couldn't come with them, she was clinging to me and wouldn't let go of me. But she had to. First, because they needed to leave promptly. Second, because I needed to leave too. And third, because Taylor wanted to have a few minutes alone with me to say goodbye.

"You call me every time you have a minute, okay? You be careful with the car and in the stairs. You have the credit card and the money I left you, right?", she reeled off as she cupped my cheeks lovingly.

"Yes", I said chuckling and grabbed her waist to pull her against me.

"You're so beautiful", she whispered and let her eyes take in my face, as if trying to print every detail in her magnificent mind.

"Have fun and enjoy your time with your family, alright?", I said with a smile.

"Yeah, I'll try", she mumbled still focused on memorizing my features.

"Kiss me", I whispered faintly and Taylor did just that.

Our lips moved together delicately for awhile. I tried to pull away but Taylor wouldn't let me. She was holding my face tightly and whimpering disapprovingly so I kissed her a bit longer.

"Babe", I mumbled against her lips and pecked her before leaning back, despite her groaning. She hugged me instead.

"I'll text you when we land", she whispered against my ear. I nodded.

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