Chapter 25 - Bingo

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I was in the car, parked in front of Taylor's building, just waiting for her to get out. I'd had quite some time to spare before picking her up so I went for a wander to a nearby shopping mall. I felt proud for doing it on my own.

I found a necklace in a jewelry store that I really liked so I bought it for Taylor. I thought it would make the perfect gift for our next anniversary but I needed to find a good place to hide it. It was in my purse for now. I also bought Taylor a cinnamon bun and a caramel frappuccino because I knew it was her favorite snack. It would motivate her for our upcoming work out.

I saw a crowd of student exiting the building so I looked carefully to spot Taylor. I had texted her to inform I was here so she'd find me right away. Everybody left but Taylor still hadn't showed up. What was she doing? I looked at the time. She had finished ten minutes ago. I eventually saw her walking out of the building, talking with a man in his late twenties or early thirties tops. Judging by her face it was quite serious but civil. He was certainly a teacher. She nodded and said something before walking away from him.

She didn't look pissed, she looked normal. It was a good point. At least she wasn't in trouble or anything. She reached the car and I saw her smiling but she couldn't see me from the outside. She was so cute. I unlocked the doors and she opened hers quickly. Her smile brightened when she saw me, and her face lit up when she saw the cup and bag on her seat.

"Hey you", I said grinning and grabbed the snack to let her sit. She climbed in and immediately kissed me. Hard.

"Hello!", she exclaimed excitedly.

"Here", I handed her the snack. She grinned and looked at me with heart eyes.

"You're the best Ashley, you know that?"

I rolled my eyes and put my seatbelt on to drive us to the apartment. It was a really short drive since it took us like five minutes, but it was way longer by walking. It would keep me in shape though.

"How was your day?", I asked as I glanced at her. She was devouring the pastry. Poor thing. Its life didn't last long.

"The usual", she said with her mouth full and swallowed, "Same people, same teachers as last year, and even more boring subjects."

"I thought you liked what you're doing", I said confused.

"I do, it's just that I know everything they teach already", she explained. Right, she had told me once that her father had always showed her the way around businesses to prepare her from a young age. It made sense that she was bored in class.

"It means you're top of your class, which is great!", I exclaimed enthusiastically.

"You make a valid point", she said chuckling.

I parked in the garage of the building and grabbed my purse before Taylor did. I didn't want her to come across the jewelry box. This girl had her eyes everywhere. I locked the car and followed her up the stairs. She opened the front door and I ran straight to my room to hide the gift. I couldn't hide it near the bed or the desk because she'd find it in no time. I opened my wardrobe and heard footsteps approaching. In a hurry, I opened my panties drawer and hid the necklace under them. Lame, but I was running out of time. I pretended to look through my t-shirts and Taylor entered the room, completely oblivious. Great.

"Ash, what's your schedule tomorrow?", she asked as she sat on my bed. I turned around and took a seat next to her.

"10 to 12. Why?"

"I was thinking we could spend the night at my house instead of driving back here", she offered.

"Yeah, it's fine by me", I said smiling. It didn't really matter where we slept as long as I was with her.

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