Chapter 58 - Heroin(e)

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"God, it looks awful", I said shockingly as I came to a stop in front of my old house.

"It's abandoned. Lisa asked to live there since no one could take care of the house but they refused. Crime scene and everything", Alexandra explained casually and got out of the car right away.

"Does it hurt somewhere?", Taylor asked and stroked my knuckles soothingly.

"No", I simply answered and looked at her to show her it was true.

"The second you don't feel good we are leaving this place", she said firmly and bent over to peck my lips.

We joined Alexandra outside but she didn't move towards the front porch, she made us walk further from the house. Taylor and I remained quiet and followed her, hands locked. She came to a stop at the angle of the street so I spun around. Everything was coming back at me.

"We found your blood until this exact spot and then nothing", Alexandra said, breaking the huge silence that surrounded us.

"I jumped over that fence over there", I said while pointing at it and approached it quickly.

"It's very high babe, you're sure it's that one?", Taylor asked, raising her eyebrow in disbelief.

"Yes it is, I scraped my elbow even", I said chuckling.

"Brooke, you're aware it leads to someone's property right?", Alexandra asked between giggles.

"I know but it was empty. I used the garden hose to clean my arm", I said and grabbed the bars to climb a little and peek. It hadn't changed at all.

"Get down, Ash. Your outfit is not appropriate for parkour", Taylor said blankly and grabbed my waist to help me down.

"Are those Louboutins?", Alexandra asked, her eyes widening in admiration.

"A gift from Taylor", I said proudly and wrapped my arms around my girlfriend's neck to observe her beauty.

"I should buy Lisa a nice gift for when she gets out", Alexandra said and took her phone out to type something.

After inspecting of the street and hearing about where my blood was dispatched, we finally arrived in front of the house. I preferred showing Alexandra the back first. I explained to her how I'd gotten out and showed her the steps of my runaway from the kitchen towards the street. She was thrilled to know all that.

"Baby, you don't touch anything. You keep your hands on me", I said softly and pecked Taylor's lips before turning back around to walk in.

"Is that okay?", she asked chuckling and gripped the hem of my jeans with both hands.

"Yes. Wait!", I called to prevent Alexandra from going too far.

"Already?", she asked chuckling but shut up when she glanced at Taylor.

"That's where he first stabbed me", I said pointing at the wall beside me.

"Which explains why we found a puddle of blood here. And I suppose he stabbed you again in the kitchen", she said, nodding in understanding.

"You found the knife?", I asked frowning.

"No, none of them were bloody", she said shaking her head in disappointment. I sighed and started walking towards the kitchen with Taylor still attached to me.

I stopped in the doorway and took a moment to scan the room. It was a mess. A dirty mess. Even after more than a year, I could still see a huge stain of blood on the rug. I approached the mark slowly and looked at it. Then I looked around and stopped in front of every single knife I encountered. Nothing. Mine was bigger and sharper. I opened the drawer where we'd usually store them. My body stiffened at the sight of the huge blade.

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