Chapter 32 - Tsunami

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Taylor called the doctor to have me examined. She was worried because more than three weeks had passed and I was still physically feeble. The doctor observed that my condition wasn't the best considering the time scale so he extended my convalescence by a week and informed the university that I still needed the work to be forwarded to me.

The doctor also told us that he would be forced to notice our lawyer about our appointment and his observation to add it to the case. Taylor was glad because it wasn't going to play in Joe's favor at all.

We decided we would watch the gala tonight since Jen seemed pretty excited about it. She told Taylor that the broadcast was meant to start around 7pm and that Nick was receiving an award, so that they would be at the center of the show. For the occasion, Taylor wanted us to cook and have a nice home-made dinner in front of the gala. Therefore we made our way to the garage with the intention of going grocery shopping. Taylor offered me to drive. I naturally reached for the key of the black Range Rover but she stopped me.

"Try this one", she grabbed another key and gave it to me all smiles.

"Which car is it?", I asked a bit panicked. I couldn't drive a Ferrari yet!

"The Porsche Cayenne over there", she said while pointing at the car casually. She walked towards it so I unlocked it and climbed in the driver's seat. Damn, the interior was insane.

"Alright, so you need to explain to me how this works and what to do and not to do", I said while putting my seatbelt on.

"It's the same as your Range except the Porsche is more powerful and reactive since it's a real sport car."

"Wow, when did we agree to say that the black Range was my Range?", I asked as I turned the car on. I loved it already. The engine was speaking to me.

"You're the one using it", she answered with a shrug and put her sunglasses on.

"I'm gonna let that one go", I muttered as I started driving. I knew she didn't mean it literally, but I still had some trouble realizing that she was willing to share all of that with me.

This car was so cool though. Taylor said she was impressed by how quickly I'd taken control of it. We arrived at the grocery store and Taylor explained to me how to park properly, which helped tremendously. Her approach was very easy to remember and apply. She should have had taught me this before. It would have made me win a lot of time and struggles. Taylor wanted to push the cart so I let her handle that and walked beside her as we made our way towards the entrance.

"Do you have an idea of what you want to cook?", I asked Taylor.

"I thought we could do a buffet dinner and drinks kind of thing but I don't know how", she said before looking at me with pursed lips.

"Why don't we ask your sister and her friend to come over? We can watch the gala together and your buffet thing would come in handy", I offered. Her face lit up and she grabbed her phone excitedly. She handed me the cart and FaceTimed Johanna as we entered the store.

"Hi T", Johanna greeted in her usual monotonous tone. I wondered why Johanna was always so impassive and emotionless.

"Hey toad, how are you doing?"

"Great. Where are you?", she asked frowning.

"At the grocery store with Ashley. Mom told me you're staying with Alicia for the weekend."

"Yeah, I'm at her house right now."

"Got any plans tonight?"

"We're gonna watch the gala. Why?"

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