Chapter 36 - You kind of live in Paris

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I went to the real estate agency to tell them I was moving out. Linda and I had finished everything around 1pm so I stopped by the agency and told Taylor that we would meet her directly. They had to make me sign a bunch of papers, they gave me my bond money back and said they would call me if they encountered any problem with the outgoing inventory of fixtures. Luckily I had Taylor's keys so I was able to give them back immediately.

The whole thing took me a damn hour and a half. My phone wouldn't stop buzzing in my pocket and Linda had waited in the car the whole time, which sucked. Obviously I was inundated with texts from Taylor asking me where I was, if everything was going as planned, and when I would be back.

Me - I just got out. Everything is settled. I'll be there in a few. Love you.

I climbed in the car and slumped on my seat sighing. I'd actually done it.

"Is everything okay, Miss?", Linda asked worriedly.

"I'm officially living with Taylor", I said slowly to try and process everything.

"Congratulations!", she exclaimed beaming.

"I feel like this is a dream, Linda. I'm so happy that it doesn't even seem real to feel like that. It's insane. I need to see her, like right now", I rattled off and turned on the car quickly.

"Miss Lawson must be bouncing around the house as we're speaking", Linda said chuckling.

"I know", I mumble and stayed focused on the road.

I was driving faster than the usual but I was feeling this pull. I needed to be with her and squeeze her bones and kiss her. We got there in no time and I was fidgeting while I waited for the gate to open and then close behind me. Fuck, when had it become so slow? The garage was already open, which delighted me. I bolted out of the car and put the keys away in the cabinet before entering the house. I totally left Linda behind but I didn't care. I ran around the kitchen and living room but I didn't find her. She wasn't outside either.

What the fuck?

I checked every room downstairs but nothing. I ran to the first floor. I was short of breath but kept going. She wasn't there either. I struggled to climb the stairs but still made it to the second floor. I checked my room. Nothing. She was nowhere in sight. I opened the door that leads to the terrace and felt fireworks in my belly when I saw Taylor standing next to a beautifully dressed table. She flashed me a bright grin and I reacted immediately. I ran fast and jumped on her, knowing she would catch me.

I wrapped my arms and legs around her and smashed my lips on hers. That was what I needed. I was out of breath and shaking but I didn't care. I kissed her with everything I had. I poured my heart and guts into it. I wasn't supposed to do any of that but screw my throat. I was happy. I felt Taylor moving and she sat down. I felt her hands moving up and she cupped my cheeks to make me pull away. I kissed her harder though. I had this undone feeling and I needed to kiss her. She put one hand on my throat and pushed me away. I opened my eyes and was breathing really hard. I tried gulping but it was all dry. Her fingertips started stroking my throat softly and that made me look at her.

"Your gate is too slow", I croaked weakly, making her raise her eyebrows amusedly.

"That's the first thing you need to say to me after your big entrance?", she asked teasingly.

"I love you. I'm so happy. But you scared me. I ran all around the house and in the stairs. It's okay though", I reeled off, still out of breath, and bent over to rest my head in the crook of her neck.

"You ran in the stairs?", she asked furiously.

"I couldn't find you", I whispered loudly and closed my eyes as I struggled to catch my breath. She sighed and held me tightly against her and she leaned back against her chair.

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