Chapter 65 - Chips, iced tea, carrots, tomatoes, bread & cheese

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"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I am now live from Hatfield Courthouse where this evening's trial will mark a turning point in the Portland's history. As you can see, the front of the building is already packed. Members of associations, old classmates, relatives, even strangers. The whole city of Portland is standing together in order to show their support towards Brooklyn Harris."

As the journalist exposed his presentation, a picture of me was floating on the corner of the screen and the cameras were filming the huge crowd that was gathered around the front doors. Some groups were holding placards with different messages such as: 'Justice for Brooklyn', 'Death penalty for that motherfucker', 'We'll never forget you'. It was completely insane.

"As a quick reminder, Patrick Harris is being judged this evening for the murder of his daughter in April of last year. Until now, the case was being frozen by a lack of cooperation of his part, but new evidence allowed the prosecution to take a huge step forward and to reconstitute the whole storyline. Unfortunately, no further information has been displayed but we'll follow the proceedings of the trial from the inside so stay tuned."

The man stopped talking to let the images speak for themselves. Four police vans arrived full speed and parked in front of the courthouse. Waves of officers stepped out and went straight towards the crowd in order to put some order. They were pushing people out of the way to create a sort of alley in the middle of the crowd while three officers went to post themselves in front of the doors. People were whistling, screaming, and booing them as they kept on clearing the pathway.

"To give our audience more context, the best friend of the victim is the one conducting this lawsuit alongside her attorney, Ms Alexandra Divetto. From what we know, the said best friend, Lisa Fieldman, spent six months in prison after organizing a hectic series of demonstrations that led to violent confrontations with the police. Her lawyer bailed her out at the beginning of the week, certainly to be sure she wouldn't miss the moment she's been fighting for ever since Brooklyn's disappearance."

After that, they broadcasted commercials. At the exact same time, my phone buzzed on the nightstand, indicating an incoming call. I threw myself on it and immediately picked up when I saw it was Lisa.

"Lis, are you okay?"

"Are you watching?"

"Yeah, it's a fucking havoc! Are you there already?"

"We're in the car but we don't know what to do. We can't access the parking lot."

"There's a whole police team on site. Ask if some officers can escort you."

"Is the devil there yet?"

"They didn't say anything about him but they're expecting you."

"Okay, hum... How is the entrance? Can we at least get inside?"

"You will if you have officers with you. Otherwise you'll get crashed by all these savages."

"We'll figure something out. Stay strong."

"Try to park at the back or near that store we like."

"Okay we'll try that. Thanks", and just like that she hung up, leaving me extra worried about her safety.

"Are they okay?", Taylor asked softly.

"They're stuck in the car", I said blankly.

"Lexie will find a bunch of policemen to help them I'm sure", she said reassuringly and kissed my temple tenderly.

"It's a good thing we're not there", I mumbled and exhaled in relief.

"You want me to go prepare you a hot drink?", she asked sweetly.

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