Chapter 19 - Boomerang

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As Taylor was sprawled all over me to take a nap, I used her phone to play a game. I'd worn the poor girl out so I let her get some rest and kissed her head from time to time. The game was extremely frustrating because I kept on losing and I hated it. Candy Crush was the worst. I left the app after I lost my last life and smiled at the sight of Taylor's background. Needing a new activity, I opened Instagram and scrolled down. Only celebrities and fashion shows. Why was I not surprised by this?

I clicked on Taylor's own profile and my eyes widened when I saw the number of followers. Fifteen thousand? Damn, someone had a lot of admirers. I clicked on the picture of us and smiled. How could a post get thirty thousand likes when the person only had fifteen thousand followers though? It didn't make any sense. I opened the comments and scrolled up to read them from the top.

I was impressed by the number of compliments and congratulations she had received. It was insane. It made me smile to see how happy people were that Taylor was with me. It comforted me.

Thinking it would make Taylor happy, I went on the camera and did a boomerang where I was stroking her hair and kissing the top of her head. I put it in black and white and was quite satisfied with the result. It was cute but sexy at the same time. It was noticeable that we were both naked but I didn't find it provocative or vulgar at all. I added the diamond ring emoji, a blue heart, and posted the boomerang in her story. I went back to her profile and looked at her pictures. None of them were extravagant but she was always so pretty.

I clicked on the magnifying glass and searched Lisa's name. I found her right away and scrolled all the way down. Most of her pictures were from our cheerleading days. I appeared in almost each one of them which warmed my heart. I reached the period when I left and my eyes widened in surprise when I saw my locker filled with flowers and pictures of me. The caption said 'I'll never give up'.

She knew I wasn't dead. And I was pretty sure she'd posted this expecting me to find it one day. She was sneaky. The next post was my grave. She needed to cheer up. I understood that it was hard but she wasn't stupid. She knew I was safe.

'They may have moved on, but I haven't. I'll find you Boo.'

Since then, nothing. Not a single post. I checked the comments and was shocked by what I read. People were calling Lisa crazy, saying she was a hopeless whiner and that she should get a life. What the fuck? I wondered if she'd gone to Princeton after all. She had been offered a full ride and I'd still been waiting for my answer when I left. It was our dream to attend Princeton together. I really hoped she'd found her way there, even without me. She deserved it.

I felt Taylor's head moving and her hand sliding on my boob, but then she stopped. I looked down and saw that she was still asleep. She looked so cute with her messy ponytail and her pouty lips. I turned my attention back to her phone and thought about something I could do. I had tried all her games and looked at all her pictures already. I felt like I knew her entire life.

I opened Facebook and checked Lisa's profile. Unfortunately, she had stopped posting after my burial, just like on Instagram. It was so weird. She was usually so active on social networks, now she had completely disappeared. I prayed for her to be okay and have the amazing life she deserved. She had certainly been through a lot since I'd been gone and it truly broke my heart. I didn't give a shit about all the others, Lisa had always been the only one close to my heart. She'd been there all the way since our childhood and never once had she betrayed me. In high school, they'd be around me for popularity, but Lisa would be here because she was truly my friend. I missed her, I couldn't deny it.

I wiped away the tears that had streamed down my cheek and put the phone down to focus on Taylor. She was the one who deserved my attention at the moment. I slid my hand on her lower back and caressed her bare skin. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the amazing feeling of having Taylor against me. I felt her head moving again after a while and her soft lips kissing my neck lazily. My sleeping beauty was slowly waking up.

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