Chapter 49 - Here to stay

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When I opened my eyes, my only wish was to remain in this position forever. I was lying on top of Taylor, listening to her calm and steady heartbeat, with my hand hidden under her tank top to lay flat on her boob. Alicia and Johanna's bed was very comfy, but it had nothing on Taylor. I stayed like this, unmoving with my eyes closed. I was just so serene and comfortable against Taylor that getting up wasn't conceivable.

After what felt like two minutes, I heard the door cracking open so I opened my eyes. I saw Alicia coming in and motioning for Johanna to follow her. I slid my hand down to let it rest on Taylor's ribs and heard her grunting in her sleep, making me scoff. Even unconscious, she needed me to grope her.

"Ash, you're up?", Alicia whispered faintly so I lifted my head and nodded, not wanting to wake Taylor up. She still groaned though.

"You're coming with us?", Johanna asked whispering so I nodded again and carefully got up.

I picked up Taylor's hoodie from the floor and immediately put it on since my arm wasn't covered. I kissed her cheek softly before getting out of the room discreetly, making sure I closed the door behind me. I redid my messy bun, made a quick stop by my room to use the bathroom, and joined the girls downstairs where everybody was already up. They'd certainly gone to bed early.

"Ashley!", Jordan's voice called excitedly so I spun around and saw him running towards me in his pajamas.

"Good morning", I said raspily and picked him up to hug him.

"Can we make breakfast?", he asked timidly and leaned back to look at me beggingly. The pancakes! Good thing I'd woken up early because I'd completely forgotten about that.

"Yeah, we'll make breakfast", I said smiling and put him down to go greet everyone.

The second I stepped a foot outside, all eyes were on me. It was noticeable that the mood wasn't as light as before. I glanced at Nick's parents who were literally glaring at me which pissed me off already. I kept a solid front though and approached the table with a smile, Jordan still clinging to my leg. They all greeted me warmly as usual, except for Taylor's grandparents who completely ignored me when I said good morning to them.

Wait for it, old people!

I went to prepare pancakes with Jordan and took care of Taylor's breakfast at the same time. Jordan was very happy that I'd prepared his plate and helped me carry Taylor and I's food outside. I meticulously prepared Taylor's spot and sat down between it and Jordan to start eating. Alicia was in front of me with Johanna to her left and Jen to her right. I heard snickers so I glanced around and saw Taylor's grandparents' laughing, their attention on Taylor's spot.

Did they mind me preparing breakfast for my girlfriend? We could settle this real quick!

"So Ash, how was it last night?", Jen asked excitedly so I brought my attention on her.

"So relaxing. I think we both needed some alone time, you know", I answered truthfully without caring about pre-existing tensions.

"I think Nick and I are gonna do the same tonight. What did you girls do? It might give us an idea of where to go", Jen said and grabbed Nick's hand on the table to link their fingers. Adorable.

"We went to the beach with some takeout", I answered and focused back on my plate to keep on filling my very empty stomach, ignoring the snickering and grumbling I could hear from the other side of the table.

"That's sweet. Honey, you're up for a date at the beach?", Jen asked in a cute begging tone.

"I'm up for pretty much anything as long as we have a good time", he answered softly. I smiled brightly at the scene in front of me. They were so beautiful together.

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