Chapter 41 - Guinea pig

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"Remember what we said. You're the victim here. You did nothing wrong. So you keep your head high up and you defend yourself", I told Alicia seriously.

"I'm scared they might let him go away with it", she confessed frowning.

"Not under my watch, trust me", I said sternly and opened the door to get out of the car.

I grabbed my purse from the backseat and texted Taylor to let her know we were there. I made sure to lock my car and joined Alicia to walk beside her. All eyes were on us but I didn't give a shit. I was there to make sure Alicia could go to school without having a horny teenage boy harassing her and hitting her for blow jobs that she didn't want to give him. Repulsive.

"Ash!", I heard from behind me so I spun around and saw Johanna approaching us hastily.

"Shit", Alicia cursed under her breath and looked down.

"Hey Johanna", I greeted nicely and hugged her tightly.

"What the hell are you doing here? And you! I've been worried sick. You can't just disappear like that and ignore me, Lili", Johanna reeled off angrily.

"She was with me, don't worry. We just have some issues we need to deal with", I said softly and smiled tightly.

"Issues? Did something happen? Is that why you left yesterday? You know you can tell me. Talk to me, please", Jo begged as she tried to catch her eyes but she looked back at me defeated.

"I got this", I whispered and kissed her forehead before wrapping my arm around Alicia to make her move. I glanced at Johanna and saw her wiping her cheeks frustratingly. I'd never seen her cry before.

"I can't tell her", Alicia said as she raised her head to look at me.

"Let's deal with it first and you'll talk to her when you feel ready", I said softly and pulled her against me as we walked slowly.

Alicia led me straight to the principal's office. The secretary obviously made us wait. I checked my phone and was inundated with texts from Taylor and Johanna. This early in the morning.

Johanna - Please Ash, I need to know
Johanna - Is she okay at least?
Johanna - Where are you even going?
Johanna - Will she ever talk to me?
Johanna - Please...

Me - We're with the principal. She'll talk to you when she's ready. Don't push her.

Babe - Good luck baby. This is really nice what you're doing for her.
Babe - Oh my god my sister won't stop calling me! Did you see her? Please, do something to get her off my back.
Babe - I'm leaving for uni. Call me when you can. Love you

Me - Have a good day. Love you too

I sighed and put the phone away. A door opened and a chubby man in a suit approached us. He greeted Alicia and introduced himself to me before guiding us to his office. We sat down in front of him and Alicia scooted her chair closer to mine. Let's the party begin.

"How are you feeling, Alicia? Did you get enough rest?", he asked nicely as he linked his hands on his desk.

"Ashley took care of me so it's okay, I guess", she answered while looking down.

"I was told that you were punched several times. Is that correct?", he asked in a low voice.

"Two punches and three kicks", she said clearly as she looked up. He nodded and grabbed a pen to write it down.

"Let's get straight to the point. Who and why?", he asked bluntly.

"Excuse me, but some tactfulness wouldn't hurt anyone, especially her", I said, raising my eyebrows.

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