Chapter 13 - I promise

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Taylor and I were back to our seats. Well, kind of. Since I was still shaken up from my crisis, I was straddling her and snuggling into her neck. Her hoodie was lying on my seat to dry and I was wearing her sweatshirt as planned.

I felt so serene and safe in her arms. My eyes were closed and I was just breathing her in while she was stroking my back. According to Taylor, people were giving us weird looks but I didn't care. I wasn’t in the mood to deal with anyone. I was upset and I needed Taylor.

“Excuse me?”, a voice called near us but I didn’t want to see who it was. I was too comfortable and tired.

“Get out of my sight”, Taylor snapped. Well, someone was moody. I dropped a light kiss on her neck to try and soothe her a bit.

“I just wanted to make sure she’s okay”, the voice said. Oh, it was the stewardess. She'd better run fast considering Taylor’s tone and patience. And mine.

“You gotta be kidding me”, Taylor scoffed. Her knee started bouncing and it was disturbing me. Why couldn't she leave so that my pillow girlfriend could comply with her functions?

“I also wanted to apologize once again”, Taylor’s fists were clenched and quivering against my back. I leaned back and immediately turned my head towards the young girl. This was the last straw. That kid was getting on my nerves and she really decided to mess with the wrong person.

“You need to go”, I said coldly.

“Look, I really didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable. You have an amazing body to be honest”, she said smiling.

“Oh hell no!”, Taylor exploded and grabbed my waist to make me get off her but I grabbed her wrists firmly and looked straight at her.

“Let me handle this”, I said softly before kissing the tip of her nose. I got up and came face to face with the stewardess while glaring at her. Her eyes widened at my proximity and I could feel Taylor’s burning stare on my back.

“Listen carefully, missy. If you don’t want me to rearrange your face and get your little ass fired as a bonus you’d better get the fuck out my sight”, I said coldly while looking straight into her eyes.

She was clearly scared and I couldn't blame her. I was on edge and ready to snap her neck. She wasn’t moving and it was getting on my nerve.

“GO”, I yelled and snapped my fingers repeatedly in front of her. She jumped a little and nodded before walking away with her head down.

I shook my head in disbelief and regained my previous spot on Taylor’s lap. I was pissed off because of that chick. I wasn’t even in the mood for cuddles anymore. I still wanted to be on Taylor though so I just straddled her and gripped the armrests.

“Can you believe the nerve of that bitch?”, I asked angrily. Taylor seemed to have cooled down a bit which I was grateful for.

“Hopefully she’s gone for good”, she said, clearly irritated by the issue.

“Oh, she better not show her face again if she wants to step a foot out of this plane”, I threatened while clenching my fists.

I noticed Taylor grinning and studying my face as she not so discreetly bit her bottom lip. A tingly feeling ran through my body. She knew what it did to me. She grabbed my neck and approached her mouth next to my ear. Her hand landed on my thigh to draw soft patterns.

“You’re really sexy when you’re angry”, she whispered while her thumb stroked my inner thigh.

Her breath against my ear sent a shiver down my spine, and the built up anger didn’t make my growing arousal any better. She took my earlobe between her teeth and started sucking on it while her fingertips made their way closer to my buzzing center. She grazed my pussy through the fabric of my jeans, forcing me to bite my lip to avoid making any unwanted noise.

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