Chapter 47 - Shopping challenge

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"Babe, we can't keep going if you're being so loud", I whispered from under her.

"You're so good at this", she moaned and moved her hips to force her center against my mouth.

"Tay, I'm serious. Cover your mouth or something", I said softly.

"Just let me ride you", she whimpered beggingly. I knew she wouldn't shut up so I groaned and got back to work. She was almost done anyway.

She started again with her rocking and gripped my hair as a bonus, while I increased my intensity. I wanted to make her come so badly. Her moans were high-pitched by now and I was burning in anticipation to taste her. She was addictive like that. When she reached her high, she released directly in my mouth. I couldn't help but moan at how amazing she tasted. I licked and swallowed every single drop of her juices.

"You taste so delicious, Taylor", I said huskily against her clit and took it in my mouth to start sucking, making her shiver and moan softly.

"Babe", she called panting. I took that as my cue to stop everything before we spent our whole morning in bed.

"Sorry", I whispered and looked up to meet her beautiful blue eyes.

"Why are you apologizing?", she frowned confusedly and moved backwards to lie on top of me.

"I should have stopped right away", I pursed my lips apologetically.

"But I never want you to stop", she said sweetly with a cute smile and kissed me passionately.

I responded immediately, bringing one hand to the back of her head and sliding my other hand down her back to reach for her butt. I spread my legs a little to let Taylor's pelvis press against mine, making her release a soft moan in my mouth. She started grinding slowly, creating a very pleasant friction between her thigh and my clit. We were in for another round. Not that I minded, I could stay in bed with Taylor all day long.

I joined her movements to increase the pleasure and moaned in the kiss as I felt Taylor going faster, adding this pressure between our breasts that drove me crazy. Suddenly, I heard the door bursting open. I looked to my left and shrieked when I saw the girls walking in before slamming the door behind them.

"Enough!", Johanna shouted sternly.

"Are you kidding me!", Taylor yelled furiously as she grabbed my arm to hide it with hers.

"Cover me, Tay", I whispered beggingly so she reached behind us and pulled the cover over us.

"Don't bother, we saw everything already", Johanna said snickering and sat down at the desk casually.

"Excuse me?", Taylor yelled in disbelief as she rolled off me.

"What do you mean by everything, exactly?", I asked out of curiosity.

"We just walked in on you", she said in a duh tone and patted her lap for Alicia to sit.

"Which is extremely rude of you", I pointed out and sat up slowly, making sure to keep my bad arm under the cover.

"We've been waiting for you for an hour", Alicia said with a pout as she got comfortable on Johanna's lap.

"You could've knocked instead of barging in like that", Taylor snapped and hid her face in my chest.

"But it doesn't have the same effect", Johanna shrugged and they both started laughing, which didn't please me at all.

"Do you have a reasonable excuse for getting in the way of my orgasm or were you just bored?", I asked sternly and it made them laugh louder .

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